Let’s be serious for a second. Does anybody not know what goes on at a “typical” Sunriver retreat? Participation isn’t even required, and you can hear about these retreats from friends or random, picked-up conversations. These retreats are synonymous with drinking, smoking pot and hot tubs. Anyone with foreknowledge of the ASUO retreat should have questioned its motivations and purposes. The ASUO officials were seen packing up their coolers and loading them into their cars behind the EMU for the trip.
I am insulted at the stupidity that the ASUO is assuming of the general student body, choosing to cover and spin rather than accept responsibility. How can applying your wages/stipends to cover the cost of the trip really make a difference when incidental fees pay those stipends? I don’t feel comfortable with the weak, naive policy of self regulation in the matter.
I have a real solution. As a student who voted in the ASUO elections, I am calling for the immediate resignation of the members involved with the retreat, including the president and vice president. Doing the right thing is hard, but you will certainly gain more respect for it.
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