Cosplay Jesus (Photo Courtesy of Cosplay Jesus)
Eugene band Cosplay Jesus debuted at an April 20, 2023, show at Monster House according to the band. Since then the band has been on a run, going to new venues in not only Eugene but Corvallis and Portland as well, constantly growing their fan base. The cold weather has made it harder for some bands to perform, but Cosplay Jesus has their creative way of still being able to keep their fan base entertained until the springtime. The band has just released a new album this year, “Everything I Ever Said,” which marks their first album released as a band. Not only that but for the year 2025, they have an ambitious goal of releasing 12 singles.
“We’re just going to record it live with the whole band, so we’re on track to hit that goal,”Ryan Singer, the band’s guitarist, said in regards to the third song they are working on right now.
While things are on an uprise for Cosplay Jesus, off the stage the band has noticed some slowing down when it comes to house shows during this cold and rainy winter season, which makes it hard for many bands to play at these outdoor venues. To add onto that, while many outdoor venues closed for the winter, some are expected to be closed permanently, with big ones such as Limelight and Monster House, which is being torn down soon according to the bands lead singer, Eli Filner. With this, there has been a lot of scrambling on what bands and their fans are going to do. Cosplay Jesus is taking matters into its own hands. The band is planning to release music often to attend KWVA 88.1FM, the University of Oregon’s student-run radio station, and to use social media to help promote its music. With the relative unavailability of house shows during the winter term, these methods may provide insight into what other bands should do to adapt. Cosplay Jesus band members did this through dedication and compatibility with each other and their band. They work hard to create fun and entertaining shows for their fans to keep them coming back and checking out their music outside of their shows. According to Filner, bands like Hearing Loss and Narcissist initially helped the group book shows and launch their careers in Eugene. Since then, their fan base has grown.
“When I was in high school, the only people who talked to me about my music were people who knew me.And now I meet random people who I have never seen before who are like, ‘Dude, I mess with your music, and it’s really cool to have that,” Filner said.
Cosplay Jesus has hit Eugene, Portland and many other venues across Oregon like a storm. There is no doubt that with its ingenuity, originality and personability, they won’t be slowing down anytime soon. As for the temporary decelerating house show scene in Eugene, the band is upset but not concerned. Band members said they are ready to combat it with their plans to release new songs year round and by connecting with their fans in Eugene and across Oregon.