There are plenty of things 20-somethings have to be thankful for this thanksgiving. Parents who pay our phone bills, campus clubs who give out free coffee during finals and dead week, siblings that make extended family gatherings not so awkward, professors who grade on a curve, Marcus Mariota… The list really goes on and on.
But contrary to popular opinion that millenials only care about themselves, there’s a lot that we are grateful for. Here are the funny, tender and simple things University of Oregon Ducks are thankful for this thanksgiving.
“I am thankful for my best friend whose mom is coming to Eugene to make us a Thanksgiving dinner. I’m going to have someone who means as much as family does to me, with me here.” –Brynn Allen, senior from Placerville, California.
“I’m thankful for the gas money my parents are giving me to go get fried chicken at my Grandma’s house in Albany.” –Haley Morris, senior from Livermore, California.
“Thankful to be a senior in college and to have seen my own personal growth. I’m very thankful for my college education. And my new roshe sneaker boots—they’re really warm.” –Mona Corby, senior from Portland, Oregon.
“I am thankful for my childhood. Having the opportunity to experience life has made me realize how much my childhood has shaped me into the person I am today.” –Nicolas Capistrano, junior from Portland, Oregon.
“I am thankful for professors who cancel class when I wasn’t planning on going anyway.” –Brooke Barker, senior from San Francisco, California.
“This Thanksgiving I am thankful for the food on the table and friends and family to share it with.” –Carlee Myers, senior from West Linn, Oregon.
“I am thankful for the amazing opportunity to study abroad in France this summer!” –Jennifer Eyler, sophomore from Los Angeles, California.
“I’m thankful for my supportive friends and family who are always here when I need them the most. I am also thankful that I am graduating on time and will be done with college in a few months.” –Meris B, senior from Portland, Oregon.
“I am thankful for being able to spend time with my family and for all of the great opportunities they have given me!” –Kabir Samra, senior from West Linn, Oregon.
“I’m thankful for all of the opportunities I’ve had at the University of Oregon and the constant support of my loving friends and family, who ground, challenge and inspire me.” –Lili Wagner, sophomore from Redmond, Oregon.
“I am thankful for being able to wake up and get a veggie quesadilla from Caspian. Also thankful for Brail’s at noon on a Sunday.”–Kaitlyn Garish, senior from San Jose, California.
“I’m thankful for a lot of things. I guess, especially as a senior, I’m thankful for all of the people that have been part of my college experience.”–Stephanie Palomino, senior from Clayton, California.
“I’m thankful for my parents and all of the support they have given me these past four years as I’m about to graduate college. I’m also grateful for all the friends I’ve made in college because without them there is no way I would have been able to survive these past four years.” –Dom Carrillo, senior from Woodland, California.
“I’m thankful that coffee exists. And I’m thankful that I have supportive friends and family!” –Brynn Harrison, senior from Canby, Oregon.
Me? I’m thankful for my mom who changes all traditions just to make sure our entire family can be together for Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for my dad who always has all of the answers and gives them wrapped in a terrible dad joke. I’m thankful for my brothers who make me laugh until my stomach hurts. And I’m thankful for my community here, and at home, that is filled with people who support and challenge me every day.
(If that seemed too corny, know that it is because my life has been shaped by Nora Ephron rom-coms.)
So whether you’re having your first friendsgiving, enduring uncomfortable racist jokes from that one uncle, sitting around a picnic table with your family or in front of the TV watching football with your cousins, remember to be thankful for whatever it is that makes you most happy.
Follow Bayley Sandy on Twitter: @bayleyjsandy
What are you thankful for? Let us know on Twitter with #ThanksUO
Sandy: What Ducks are thankful for this Thanksgiving
Bayley Sandy
November 25, 2014