Winter for the movies brings a variety, featuring everything from stolen art masterpieces to dystopian societies. Escape the cold and use those Fandango gift cards grandma gave you for Christmas at Eugene’s cinematic establishments.
Lone Survivor: It’s 2005 and four U.S. Navy SEALs are on a mission to capture a senior Taliban member during the war in Afghanistan. Based on a true story, this thrilling action-drama tells the story of these four courageous men, and the one survivor of the mission. Opens Jan. 10.
The Banshee Chapter: Two journalists are on the hunt for a friend who disappears after participating in a secret mind-bending drug experiment abandoned by the CIA. On their search, they discover the world of secret government chemical research. This thriller is based on actual government documents and test subject testimonies. Opens Jan. 10.
At Middleton: This understated film-fest comedy tells the story of youth being found again as two middle-aged people fall in love on their kids’ campus tour at Middleton College. The two leads took home “Best Actor” awards at the Boston Film Festival, so they can’t be too bad to watch. Opens Jan. 31.
The Monuments Men: This comedy-drama tells Hollywood’s version of the real-life story of a World War II platoon who have the task of retrieving prized art masterpieces from Germany and bringing them back to their owners. George Clooney stars, directs and wrote the screenplay. The film also includes an all-star cast including Matt Damon, Bill Murray and Cate Blanchett. Opens Feb. 7.
The LEGO Movie: Legos saving the world? What could be better? Plus, in the grand tradition of animated films relying on the fame of the actors who do the voiceovers, this film includes the voices of Will Ferrell, Morgan Freeman, Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum. Opens Feb. 7.
Robocop: The remake of this 1987 science fiction film is sure to impress. Taking place in 2028, now the not-so-faraway future, this film tells the story of a hardworking Detroit policeman who is remade to be half robot cop and half man when he’s injured on the job. A mid-February release date gives you plenty of time to watch the three already existing films in the Robocop series. Opens Feb. 12.
The Grand Budapest Hotel: Wes Anderson’s latest film will undoubtedly provide a whole array of highly saturated characters for you to dress up as at costume parties. Taking place in 1920’s Europe, this comedy-drama is about a famous hotel concierge and his protégé, who get tangled up in a murder case; the recovery of a famous Renaissance painting and the city of Budapest between wars. Opens March 7.
Divergent: Already being compared to “The Hunger Games,” the next popular dystopian novel being made into a movie features a world divided by personality types, which just sounds like a bad party. A girl is deemed “divergent” and finds out that the society’s leader is seeking to eliminate everyone like her. You’ve still got time to read the book. Opens March 12.
Check out what movies are coming out this term
Daily Emerald
January 6, 2014
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