Oscar Zurita/ Daily Emerald
Opinion: As we move into winter, I have one message for my hordes of devoted readers: toughen up.
Assuming you’re not a hermit, you’ve noticed that the weather in Eugene has gotten dramatically colder recently. This is part of a little thing we call fall. Even though it’s a yearly occurrence, I’ve heard people complaining nonstop about the temperature shift since the end of October. I, for one, am tired of the complaints (shocking for an opinion columnist, I know). Learn how to relish the cold!
To be fair, anyone who’s seen me working will immediately be inclined to call me a hypocrite. I work two hour shifts outside and lately I’ve been shivering at the end. At that point, I certainly don’t look like someone who’s enjoying the cold weather, but I promise that’s my only stumbling block here. It’s true that my hands are usually freezing by the time I finish a shift, but that just makes the moment I get to warm up so much better.
And shouldn’t we all be grateful for the chill? Throughout September and October, no one could stop talking about unusually hot temperatures we were experiencing. I was wearing sundresses to class well into the term, and while the weather was pleasant, there was something that felt distinctly wrong about it, too. At least now we’re finally getting normal Oregon fall weather, and I’ve decided to be happy about it.
The coldest I’ve ever been in my life was the one and only time my hair froze. I was visiting Minnesota in January, so I had some idea of what I was in for. I decided to leave the house when it was 3 degrees outside right after I showered, and I felt the water in my hair harden up in seconds. That might sound miserable in print, but in a strange way, it was invigorating. Cold weather can be the extra boost you need to fully wake up on your way to class in the morning. Hot weather makes the world feel sluggish, but I’ve found that a nice chill in the air is the perfect wakeup call.
Besides, colder weather is a brilliant excuse for parading your sweater collection around town. Oh, I’m sorry, I really do have to be wearing the cutest turtleneck you’ve ever seen. The situation is out of my hands! Bring out your hat with the jaunty pompom, the thick socks you got for your birthday and the cozy oversized sweater you stole (or as I prefer, “borrowed”) from your dad’s closet. There’s no time like the present.
Even though the days are getting shorter and most people try to limit their time outside, there’s no need for your social life to disappear. As my roommate Lauren loves to say, this is the time for “girls’ night during soup season.” This phrase has become ubiquitous around my apartment, usually accompanied by a picture of anthropomorphic mice surrounding a soup pot, and I couldn’t be happier about it.
Cold dark nights are the best time to invite your friends over for a group dinner, and there are tons of appetizing dishes that just seem to taste better in cold weather. Lately, I’ve been a fan of making vegetarian chili, but I highly recommend burrito night with a toppings bar for bigger groups. You would never want to cook in a group in muggy summer weather, but the end of fall is the ideal vehicle for a culinary group hangout.
It’s important to keep the cold weather in perspective. Your walk from your home to class isn’t going to kill you. Your social life isn’t over. Moreover, this is the way November is supposed to look. The month has a reputation for being rainy, windy and cold, and no one would argue that it’s not living up to that stereotype this year. Why should we complain? Next time you’re faced with the prospect of braving the frigid weather, remember that it’s a nice break from the heat, and you can handle anything with a bit of determination.