Need For Speed will fulfill your Fast & Furious fantasies this Fall.
Doom graces us with a full FIVE SECONDS of gameplay footage
In preparation for its E3 presentation on June 14, at 7 p.m., Bethesda is now detailing which announcements it will be making at the event. That’s right, news of news itself. To mark this slow decent into a hellish nightmare of gaming journalism, it has shown off a teaser trailer for Doom — the upcoming reboot of iD’s genre-defining FPS series. Make sure you’ve cleared your entire afternoon though, as the trailer clocks in at a pretty demanding 12 seconds. The majority of which is made up of a content ratings and a reminder to tune in for the full gameplay. What’s left is about five seconds of a shotgun loading animation and a shrieking demon beast. While the rest of this post is dripping in sarcasm, I can honestly say — it’s a badass five seconds.
Guitar Hero Live and Rock Band 4 tease their latest tracks
It’s been a short-lived peace for the great conflict of these plastic instrument games. Both Rock Band and Guitar Hero will invade living rooms this November, and this week some new tracks were revealed. For Guitar Hero Live, an eclectic mix of metal and rock, both old and new. Here are some of the added songs:
Bring Me the Horizon — “Shadow Moses”
Deftones — “Diamond Eyes”
Royal Blood — “Little Monster”
Marilyn Manson — “Disposable Teens”
Killswitch Engage — “In Due Time”
Marmozets — “Move Shake Hide”
Of Mice & Men — “Bones Exposed”
Vista Chino — “Sweet Remain”
Mastodon — “High Road”
Trivium — “Strife”
Meanwhile, Harmonix’s full-band revival Rock Band 4 showed off the first six tracks from its on-disc setlist, which spans a broader spectrum of rock ‘n roll. If you’re not into any of these, the game will also work with the preexisting catalog from the past titles.
Avenged Sevenfold — “Hail to the King”
Fleetwood Mac — “You Make Loving Fun”
Jack White — “Lazaretto”
The Killers — “Somebody Told Me”
Spin Doctors — “Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong”
The Who — “The Seeker”
EA sets a new standard for impatience, reboots Need For Speed
The term “reboot” is thrown around a lot in our modern, revision-happy pop culture. When a pop culture property has fallen out of popularity, we revive it with a fresh face for the new generation We’ve rebooted 21 Jump Street after a 30 year absence, Judge Dredd after 17, and Spiderman after only 4 years out of the public consciousness. But Electronic Arts might be lowering the bar even further with their announced “full reboot” of Need for Speed. The franchise has only taken a single year off from its annual release schedule, but EA has felt the need to reintroduce us all to the world of high-octane speed racing. The teaser doesn’t show any gameplay footage, but the cars on display suggest a return to the NFS: Underground style of neon-lit low riders on city streets. We’ll get the full announcement on June 15, at EA’s E3 press conference.
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