Batman: Arkham Knight introduces the Batmobile to Rocksteady’s take on Gotham.
Wondering what’s the word in the world of video games? Curious what big reveals to expect in the coming months? Get a head start on the rest of your clan with our Gaming Week in Review.
Once again, GTA5 has been pushed.
PC Gamers have a special relationship with Rockstar Games, akin to the relationship Charlie Brown has with Lucy on a football field. This week it announced that the PC version of GTAV would be delayed another 6 weeks, now targeted for an April 14 release. This marks the third significant delay laid upon the PC release, which will now be hitting stores a full 19 months after the initial console release and six months later than the next-gen remaster (which was supposed to be released concurrently with the PC version). For gamers who have already spent some time in Los Santos, some new content is headed your way as well. The long-anticipated heist mode for GTA Online will finally be available on March 10.
New Guitar Hero release at this year’s E3 conference?
Last week, we reported on a series of clues that may be hinting towards a reveal of a brand new Rock Band game at next month’s PAX East gaming convention. But they may not be alone in the music game renaissance. A report out of Kotaku UK is now suggesting that Activision has started work on a new edition of Guitar Hero for next-gen consoles and is aiming for a reveal at this year’s E3. While competition is usually best for everyone, it’s easy to get scared about the prospect of Activision dipping their toes into the genre again. Considering the near-comical overabundance of Guitar Hero games during the peak of the music video game craze, one must wonder what effect it’ll have on the market. As previously stated, when Activision gets excited about a genre, that genre tends to suffer.
Valve’s new virtual reality hardware to be announced
The Game Developer’s Conference is quickly descending on the San Francisco Bay Area, where game developers from across the globe will gather to mingle, network and ultimately make games. While it’s not typically a platform for huge announcements, Valve will be taking to the stage to show off its latest batch of hardware. Included will be the final version of the Steam Controller (a custom controller created by Steam to easily mimic mouse/keyboard controls on a TV), new Steam Machines (pre-built PC units meant to take the place of a gaming console), and hardware for SteamVR (Valve’s long-in-development answer to virtual reality experiences like the Oculus Rift and Sony’s Project Morpheus).
Batman: Arkham Knight’s M rating alludes to more adult experience
British video game developer Rocksteady will return to the streets of Gotham with the new Batman: Arkham Knight quickly approaching release. The team’s Batman games have helped to define the modern action genre, all without ever breaking a “T” rating. For every flying roundhouse kick or gruesome Joker ploy, its all been safe enough to be considered acceptable for kids as young as 13. Then the ESRB announced that Batman: Arkham Knight was rated “M,” for “blood, language, suggestive themes, and violence.” This rating surprised game director Stephen Hill, who insisted in an IGN interview that they weren’t even targeting a more adult experience. “From our point of view, we never wrote it or made it with a rating in mind. We never did that in the previous two games … We just felt that this is the story that we really wanted to tell.”
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