Get ready — it’s convention season. (Courtesy of Creative Commons user Nathan Rupert.)
Summer is finally upon us, which means a handful of things. It’s time for day drinking on the porch, long nights spent binging Netflix while a box fan cools the air and for the nerdy among us — conventions. Over the next few months, hotel ballrooms and convention centers around this great nation will fill with all manner of dorks, geeks, gamers and otakus. Cosplay will be looked at with wonder, heroes met with worshiping fans and hundreds of dollars spent on one-of-a-kind memorabilia to immediately be resold on eBay for ten times the price.
Packing the right items is a delicate science, one perfected only by years in the sweaty trenches. Plan ahead, and you’ll find yourself prepared for anything.
Must Bring Items
Poster Tube – The utility belt of the convention fan. Not only is it the only satisfactory way to keep that signed Agents of SHIELD poster in mint condition, it doubles as a great swag carrying case – AND a sash for all your dope pins. Recommended – Alvin Ice Tube – $15 on Amazon
External Battery – You never quite realize how short-lived your battery is, until its’ flashing red after just a short afternoon of selfies and excited Tweeting. Recommended – Anker Astro 2nd Gen – $22 on Amazon
Snacks – Convention centers are some of the most price-gouged locations on Earth, second only to theme parks and movie theaters. Beat the system, and load that poster tube up with as many granola bars as you can stuff.
Nintendo 3DS – Nintendo’s handheld gaming console is more than just a great distraction for long lines and plane rides. The built-in StreetPass feature allows you to trade Miis with fellow 3DS systems, unlocking cool hats and accessories. Conventions become a hive of StreetPass activity, allowing you to amass Miis from across the globe. It’s simple, but incredibly addictive.
Cons happen in all shapes and sizes. From smaller cons that focus exclusively on one subject (such as anime, comics, or videogames) to larger bonanzas of all things nerd; there’s bound to be something for any interest set. Take a look at the schedule below and get to planning your summer vacation.
Go Play NW (Seattle, WA – June 26-28) – If you’re dedicated to the world of board games, tabletop RPGs, and other games that involve actually talking to people, this might be the place to be. Meet some new friends, try some new games and even learn how to create them. Cost – $90 for a three-day pass.
Comic-Con International (San Diego, CA – July 9-12) – The biggest of them all. Comic-Con is less of a convention at this point, but rather an all-encompassing party of pop culture that eats the town of San Diego for the week. Just about every major genre movie, TV show or comic book has a presence, with major announcements to match. Cost – Sold Out. StubHub and other scalping sites have single-day tickets going for ~$300. However, consider visiting the area during the show regardless. Plenty of shows, events, and specials happen outside the conventional walls.
California Extreme (Santa Clara, CA – July 18-19) – The country’s biggest celebration of retro arcade gaming, this is a must-see event for any gamer with an appreciation of history. Enthusiasts from across the world bring in reconstructed classic tables, cabinets, and more — all set to free play. It’s the world’s most beautiful arcade, all at your disposal. Cost – $60 for a weekend pass.
Northwest Comicfest (Salem, OR – August 15-16) – A smaller, upcoming convention coming out of Salem, this is a purely comic-centric event that should permit plenty of time to mingle with professional artists and writers of the industry. Cost – $25 for a weekend pass.
PAX Prime (Seatlle, WA – August 28-31) – Hosted by popular web comic Penny Arcade, this gaming convention has grown into one of the biggest in the US. For four days, the Seattle Convention Center is loaded to the rafters with the latest games, panels from industry icons & fan favorites, and concerts. Cost – Currently Sold Out. However, keep your eyes on Reddit’s /r/paxpassexchange for your best chance at decently priced passes.
Kumoricon (Vancouver, WA – September 4-7) – The Northwest’s biggest con for any and all things anime. Cosplay is a huge part of the event, so start planning your costume now! Cost – $55 for a 4-day pass, if you register before July 10th.
Rose City Comic Con (Portland, OR – September 19-20) – Cap off the season with Portland’s biggest tribute to comic books, superheroes, sci-fi, and more. Comic artists from across the spectrum will be in attendance, so come meet your favorites. Cost – $40 for a two day pass, if you register before September 1st.
Follow Chris Berg on Twitter, @Mushroomer25