Last Thursday, Eugene saw some sun. And too many people lost their minds.@@Thomas, Alonso, Becky and Betsy ate Caspian on the Quadrant. Win@@ @@GET OUTTA YOUR MIND!@@
Since spring term is going to see many more sunny days, we’d like to see people behaving in a less annoying way when the inevitable comes in May.
And get off our lawn, you whipper-snappers!
10. Bikinis in sub-70 degree weather@@:)@@
9. Hairy, barefoot protesters@@>:(@@
8. Couples canoodling on the lawns@@:|@@
7. Sunglasses indoors — seriously, even Corey Hart hates this one.@@only guilty people do this@@
6. Ubiquitous hookahs@@o_O@@
5. Even more ubiquitous longboards — they really don’t make you look as cool as you think.@@lol@@
4. Frappuccinos en masse@@eh@@
3. Pale legs in cargo shorts@@:0@@ @@KENNY??@@
2. Demanding that your professor hold class outside — seriously, we’re not in high school anymore.@@boo! yay for class outside!@@
1. People throwing frisbees in our faces
Top 10: Sunny-day behaviors that have to stop
Editorial Board
March 13, 2012
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