@@http://anniesprinkle.org/projects/current-projects/assuming-the-ecosexual-position-adventures-of-the-love-art-lab/@@“This is a very eco-sexy campus. It’s like an eco-sexual hot bed,” said Annie Sprinkle, an acclaimed feminist, porn activist, eco-sexual artist and radical sex educator at an on-campus event Wednesday night. The event was sponsored by many student groups, including Sexual Wellness Advocacy Team@@http://swat.uoregon.edu/@@ and the Cultural Forum.@@http://culture.uoregon.edu/@@
Sprinkle shared with the audience that her journey to eco-sexuality began in 1970. She recalled that she first became interested in sex after seeing Linda Lovelace star in the 1972 pornographic film, “Deep Throat.”@@http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068468/@@
“My parents were educators and they didn’t talk about sex, but in the ’60s I experimented with psychedelics,” she said. “It was the doorway to becoming a rebel and helped start my career.”
She told stories through each step of her timeline to eco-sexuality ranging from how she was born the “shy and scared of sex” Ellen Steinberg to her self-created persona Annie Sprinkle and her modern day practice of sexecology.@@http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0819810/@@
Sprinkle began her career by acting in pornography movies during the mid-1970s, in which she participated in more than 100 movies. During the 1980s, she focused her work on directing pornography movies, such as “Rites of Passion,” “Consenting Adults” and “Deep Inside Annie Sprinkle.”@@http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0819810/@@
After the presentation, Sprinkle offered a Q-and-A segment for the audience as well as “tit paintings,” eco-sex bumper stickers, “post-porn modernist” playing cards, DVDs and other various items available for purchase. Sprinkle also shared her contact information specifically for receiving her sexual advice.
Sprinkle’s closing thoughts included her own definitions of eco-sexual, sexecology@@http://sexecology.org/blog/@@ and sexecologists and a mock “Aprhodite Sex Worker Award” audience-participation presentation set to traditional graduation music. She defined eco-sexual as a person who finds the Earth sexual and sensual, while sexecology is research where sex and ecology meet. Therefore, Sprinkle considers herself a devoted sexecologist and essentially takes the earth as her lover.
One audience member in particular, 62-year-old Lorraine Ironplow@@could be http://www.facebook.com/ironplow@@, showed great interest in Sprinkle’s presentation and her life commitment to the environment and sexual awareness.
“I am a feminist, so naturally I wanted to find out more about eco-sexuality,” she said. “I don’t think Eugene has many events expressing sexuality@@what? really?@@, so this will be an unusual and unique experience.”
Sprinkle is one of many speakers to come to campus for the University’s Department of Art. Cathy Denning@@http://directory.uoregon.edu/telecom/directory.jsp?p=findpeople%2Ffind_results&m=staff&d=person&b=name&s=Cathy+Denning@@ of the Department of Art History at the University was responsible for coordinating and sponsoring the presentation along with numerous art, sex and women’s studies programs.
Sprinkle was able to offer entertainment as well as newfound knowledge of sexual education and terms. After 36 years of exploring and researching sexuality, Sprinkle is still spreading her passion for her work and continues to do so at college campuses across the country.
Throughout her career, Sprinkle fought breast cancer, was greatly involved in the sex-positive feminism movement, started ACT UP (an organization that promotes safe sex among pornographers)@@http://lgbtpov.frontiersla.com/2012/03/11/condoms-porn-and-the-coming-political-conflict/@@, a “public cervix announcement” sex education special, produced and directed “Dr. Annie Sprinkle’s How to be a Sex Goddess in 101 Easy Steps: Sluts and Goddesses”@@http://anniesprinkle.org/about-annie/cv/@@ and the “Amazing World of Orgasm”@@http://www.amazon.com/Annie-Sprinkles-Amazing-World-Orgasm/dp/B000SPENZA@@ documentary and has now been in an monogamous relationship for 20 years. @@dat sentence@@
“I’ve done a lot of taboos in my life, sexually, but being naked, old and fat is the most taboo,” she said. “I wish you all lots of pleasure and fun, and good luck.”
Sprinkle will be hosting additional events on Thursday, April 12, including a Free Sidewalk Sex Clinic and an Eco-Sexy Walking Tour. These events will consist of radical sex education, eco-sex ideals and marriages to elements of nature through the expression of eco-sexuality.@@http://anniesprinkle.org/college-offerings/free-sidewalk-sex-clinic/@@