If you’re on Twitter, you’ve probably found out by now that it’s a nice place to find out information about campus and the world. But we thought it’d be helpful for you to have a list of the top 10 funny, poignant or just plain useful campus handles to follow on the site.
10. @DailyEmerald – Your humble correspondents — We strive to give you the news, opinions and entertainment of campus.
E.g.: “ASUO elections moved to week three http://bit.ly/ILUc18”
9. @SuziSteffen — University journalism instructor Suzi Steffen — Fun updates from campus’ reporting classes as well as the occasional journalism link.
E.g.: “Oh, Agate Hall 100, you are like 95 degrees today when usually you’re more like 65. #journalismwhine”
8. @ASUO — The student government of the University — Campus policy event updates and the like.
E.g.: “Get Out the Vote is happening now! Are you registered at your current address? Come to the ASUO office and get registered today!”
7. @MarshallYoum — University journalism Professor Kyu Ho Youm — A live stream of first amendment, communication litigation cases … what’s not to like?
E.g.: “TV broadcaster to be allowed to film sentencing in UK criminal trial. http://tgr.ph/HCBrzN Accused murder not to be shown.”
6. @KINGMOMBA6 — Oregon running back De’Anthony Thomas — A pure guilty pleasure follow. He shouts everything he says, no matter what it is. Hilarity ensues.
5. @kmatthews — University public relations instructor Kelli Matthews — For the often interesting articles about somewhat less-interesting topics: public relations and copy writing
E.g.: “Spreadsheets are good. RT @vargasl: How to Write a Book When You’re Really, Really Busy http://bit.ly/HBubDv”
4. @ShitUOKidsDont — S#!t UO Kids Don’t Say — An entertaining feed of the things University students don’t say.
E.g.: “I always hold myself to the highest standards of academic integrity on iclicker quizzes. Never share my answers or look at anyone else’s.”
3. @Chipisms — Unknown Duck fan — Frequent posts of wise quotes from enigmatic head football coach Chip Kelly.
E.g.: “…Now it’s time to go see what the 2012 version of the Oregon Ducks will look like…”
2. @UOregonProblems — UOregon Problems — Similar to number four, Tweets out problems which often afflict University students.
E.g.: “RT @AlexHorwitch @UOregonProblems Tried calling Dough Co during a #DeadWeek all nighter. Busy.”
1. @Eugene_Buzz — Eugene, Ore., service feed — Frequent weather updates are a must for life in Eugene.
“#Weather Eugene, Oregon Weather :: 48F RAIN FOG/MIST”
Top 10: Useful University Twitter handles
Editorial Board
April 10, 2012
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