Many college students are high on this sunny spring weather. We’re all enjoying the green leafy trees with all our buds. While pushing though the last few months of the school year, soon our worries will soon go up in smoke and we’ll be enjoying a blazing summer.
Other than Summer, there seems to be another name on our mind: Mary Jane. Happy 4/20 everyone!
April 20th is recognized as a holiday to marijuana smokers around the world. Even if you don’t smoke pot, you are probably still aware of this day. But does anyone know why 4/20 is National Weed Day?
Many people believe that 420 is/was the police radio code used when they suspected marijuana. But really, that rumor went up in smoke because it’s not a police code referencing marijuana at all.
Some believe that April 20th was Bob Marley’s birthday (but it was not, his birthday was February 6th) and others say that it was Hitler’s birthday (it was, but that’s not the reason people are lighting up joints on this particular day).
So how did 420 become the code word for pot or national Weed Day? A bunch of stoners coined it in the 1970’s. Five San Rafael High School friends known as “the Waldos” came up with the phrase “420-ing” because they would all meet up after school around 4:20pm and blaze up some green.
Throughout the years many people have picked up on this code word for lighting up and have used it in famous movies. For example, Pulp Fictionshows multiple clocks reading 4:20pm.Also, Fast Times at Ridgemont High (which was well known for its stoner comedy) bluntly put 42-0 score at the end of a football game.
Many people are strictly against the use of any drugs including marijuana, and they have the absolute right to dislike it. Weed can be used as a gateway drug which can lead to the use of more dangerous drugs. But some of the most dangerous substances are the ones that are legal, alcohol and tobacco.
On average, there are about 35,000 alcohol-related deaths in the U.S. (about 1,400 are in Oregon every year). Tobacco claims the life of about 49,000 people each year. Marijuana has a whopping statistic of ZERO. Not one death based on cannabis alone has ever occurred. I researched it, and you have to smoke like 8000 joints in ten minutes to reach the THC danger level.
Let me remind you that both alcohol and cigarettes are legal (if you’re of age to obtain it) but weed is illegal, frowned upon and judged by so many people. Alcohol and cigarettes are both leading causes of cancer, whereas marijuana has never shown cancerous effects to anyone. As a matter of fact, weed helps numerous people that are in pain. Medical marijuana has shown to be a great pain-reliever to people who suffer from anything from Arthritis to Glaucoma.
I’m not promoting the use of marijuana and I’m not discouraging it. We’re all adults and can make our own decisions. However, I am supporting the idea of being more accepting of it. It’s proven to help so many people and has never caused serious health effects.