The ‘Best of Campus’ winners were determined by a student vote. The winners do not reflect the opinion of the Emerald.
Not sure what colors are “in” this spring, or what to pair with those bright new skinny jeans?@@no@@ You might consider asking Anna Reilly, a senior at the University — and our local fashion queen.@@*Reilly@@
As an ode to her love for clothes, hair and celebrity styles, Reilly keeps an up-to-date fashion blog called “Freckled Fashionista.”@@ The site not only features fashion ideas (to ombre or not ombre?), but also features fun challenges such as “30 items for 30 days,” during which she chooses only 30 things that she’ll mix and match to create her outfits for the next month.
Where does Reilly get her inspiration? In addition to the models in J.Crew magazines, she may have picked a cue or two up from you. “I grab inspiration from friends, bloggers, magazines and people on campus,” Reilly said.
No matter what, though, she is determined to turn those inspirations into styles of her own — and she succeeds.
Reilly also hopes to inspire others to find their inner fashion. “Being a fashionista is being confident in who you are and what you are wearing,” she says. So follow her advice and start creating! If you need some ideas, head to Reilly’s blog.