ASUO Senate created a working group to write a resolution regarding an EmX bus expansion at Wednesday night’s meeting.
The Lane Transit District is looking to expand routes all the way down West 11th, and since this directly affects students, Sen. Molly Bacon said that students should have a voice in the expansion decision.
Sen. Emma Newman talked about a previous EmX resolution discussed by Senate.@@names before all correct@@
“There have been changes since this one, so I think it would be important to include those,” Newman said.
The body also discussed the approaching transition. Sen. Lindy Mabuya@@correct@@ created a detailed agenda for a work day for the transition. It will include a mock senate and meetings with committees.
Mabuya asked every senator to write a manual about their committee. Sen. Laura Hinman@@correct@@ stressed the importance of positivity.
“We’ve had a really tough year, so we need to be encouraging to new students,” she said.
Senate members were very supportive of this training, and thought it would be incredibly beneficial.
At the end of the meeting, Hinman announced that Sen. Jena Langham @@correct@@will be her chief of staff next year.