The Department of Public Safety took Aaron Burns, 23,@@checked with Becky@@ into custody just outside of DeCou hall@@checked@@ in the Walton complex Around 1:45 p.m., Tuesday afternoon.
DPS spokesperson Kelly McIver@@ confirmed Burns had no legal residence in the state.
In March, DPS released a campus crime alert about a girl who woke up to a man in her dorm room. McIver said they believe Burns was that man, although nothing has been confirmed.
“We asked students to watch for men who were not residents,” McIver said. “Eventually, we got word that there was (another) girl whose boyfriend was staying with her.”
After they figured out his name, they ran it and discovered Burns had two outstanding warrants from Benton County, Washington. @@ had warrants out for failure to appear on counts of unlawful distribution and failure to appear on counts of attempted burglary.
Since then, DPS has asked students to watch for him, providing a description. On Tuesday, a student called in and reported seeing the man in the Living-Learning Center.@@
“He’s just been a difficult little bugger to catch,” Officer Eric LeRoy@@ said.
Burns is currently being held in the Lane County Jail until he is extradited to Washington. DPS is still determining if he is the intruder from the March incident.