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PFC fighting the good fight
Programs Finance Committee has been meeting all week for the last month, deliberating the budget of Every. Single. ASUO-Recognized. Group. Think about that.@@what?@@ More than 100 groups pass through the doors of the EMU Rogue River Room@@ (and occasionally other, equally dull-looking rooms), petition the committee for more funding than the Executive recommended and are appropriated a few hundred dollars less than they want in many cases. It’s a thankless job, so let us shake that up a bit: Thanks.
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Super Bowl halftime show
Even now, we have no idea how to respond to Sunday night’s amalgam of popular music and abjectly ridiculous costumes. It was particularly awesome watching Madonna shufflin’ with LMFAO, and seeing Cee Lo Green in wizard robes was something else. At the same time, the show opened up with the headliner walking in dressed like a Trojan warrior, and as native Oregonians, we can do nothing but cringe at the sight of USC-related fashion.
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Potential car rental debacle
For years, the University has “had” a temporary car system in place: WeCar. Sort of like rentals, except not really, one could supposedly pay for the service with DPS, choose one of the two Priuses available and pay an hourly rate. Except that we never knew anyone that used it. It’s a great idea, so when ZipCar, another similar service with cheaper rates was going through the contractual process and actually came to campus, we got excited. But this week, we saw WeCar set up again, and we don’t know what to expect.@@doh!@@ If wars spring out on campus between rival faux-rental campus car services, don’t blame us.
This Week In Thumbs: Financing programs, Madonna in Trojan armor
Daily Emerald
February 5, 2012
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