“Hammer Time” stop sign a concern for city of Eugene
A stop sign on the corner of Broadway Street and Olive Street has been tagged with the popular line “Hammer Time” underneath the “STOP,” according to KEZI.
While funny to most, the alteration is a case of vandalism and is a cause of concern to city officials. Because of the severity and importance of the traffic signal, vandalism to these signs can cause serious accidents and injury to those involved, according to the city of Eugene.
Weather front to break record dry streak
Precipitation forecasted for Friday will end Eugene’s second longest dry streak since 1942, according to The Register Guard.
A mere .21 inches of rain fell from a period spanning July through September, second only to the .18 inches that fell during World War II.
The rain is also expected to aid in putting an end to an extremely dangerous wildfire season.
Select South University Neighborhood homes open for tours
KEZI is reporting that the Historic Preservation League of Oregon will host a tour of homes in the south campus area with eight homes, including former University of Oregon president Clarence Boyer’s@@http://president.uoregon.edu/history@@ Georgian Revival home.
Tours will take place Oct. 13 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will begin at Central Lutheran Church.
Lane County Sheriff’s deputies continue death investigation
Following a house fire on River Road Tuesday afternoon, detectives are still struggling to determine whether or not the death investigation is criminal, according to KEZI.
Authorities are investigating the cause of death of the individual found inside and have yet to conclude if the death was caused by the fire or another factor.
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