What is it with you guys and Holy Cow? First it was “Dirty Hippies, Take a Hike and Get a Life!” Now it’s, “Fiscal Responsibility Made Them Do It!”
The notion that replacing Holy Cow with Laughing Planet will get the EMU out of its financial mess is, well, laughable. Do the math. Last year the Cow contributed $24,000 in rent to the EMU’s coffers. Let’s say for the sake of argument (but highly unlikely since we’re already packed during all the critical hours) that Laughing Planet does 50 percent better; it would still amount to a drop in the ocean.
I’m baffled as to why you’re so eager to go to bat for a company that’s “only slightly less local” and believes that “organic isn’t necessarily best.” The bottom line is that any local produce Laughing Planet trucks in is grown in the Portland area, whereas we are writing checks to local Eugene organic farmers.
Shame on the University for a terrible decision, and shame on the Emerald for being such a credulous cheerleader.
Anton Ferreira
Co-Owner & Executive Chef
Holy Cow
Any fiscal improvement Laughing Planet may bring will only be a drop in the ocean
Daily Emerald
February 11, 2008
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