The coolest thing since sliced bread… seriously.
Pop Art Toaster, $29.99,
Pages and pages filled with sexy, dirty, disgusting and spectacular photos.
“The Vice Photo Book,” $29.70,
Fun technology, and it’s earth-friendly.
Water Powered Alarm Clock, $24.95,
Someone wrote a break-up letter on the back of an air sickness bag? This book rules.
“Found: The Best Lost, Tossed and Forgotten Items from Around the World” by Davy Rothbart, $13.45, Barnes & Noble
Couple with some Marvin Gaye, and you’ll have a very happy weekend.
Kama Sutra’s Kama Sutra Weekender Kit, $24.99,
Because love is a lot like Monopoly: You lose all of your money and it seems like it never ends.
Photo-Opoly Customizable Monopoly Game, $29.99, Wrapables, available at
Your lucky numbers are 69 69 69 69
X-Rated Fortune Cookies, $5.99,
Show him/her that they could do worse.
“50 Boyfriends Worse Than Yours” by Justin Racz, $14.95, Barnes & Noble
The right way to pimp a cell phone.
Retro Handset, $14.99,
It works hard for the honey.
Build-A-Hooker-Bear (accompanying photos are hookerpanties, hookerbuildabear and hookerpurse), $19.50, Build-A-Bear Workshop at the Valley River Center
Woo your geeky love with a Wookie.
Chewbacca Mighty Mugg, $12.95,
Dessert’s on you.
Chocoholics Body Frosting, $9.95, Baron Bob at