Did you read the News and Views article written by Sid Moore in the Office of Affirmative Action? In the article, titled “Grievances decline for third year,” Moore is quoted as saying, “…this reduction in grievance numbers again seems to suggest that the efforts of the entire University community to correct inappropriate behavior are having positive effects.”
I don’t agree! I have had the opportunity to talk with various people on campus who are literally afraid to come forth and discuss their hostile environments at the University. This includes officers of administration, classified staff and graduate and undergraduate students.
Folks have told me they are verbally abused by being yelled at, in some cases profanity is used, they are held back from moving into other positions because they have spoken out against discrimination, and they are treated with disrespect on campus.
I personally have gone to Affirmative Action twice and been turned away. I was told that there was nothing that their office could do about the situations. After I took a union steward with me to Affirmative Action, something was done about one of the situations. I suspect that others have been turned away, and if this is the case, that would account for why the number of formal grievances is declining.
According to OPEU Local 085 Chief Steward Ellen Klaastad, “If you are a staff person covered by a collective bargaining agreement (such as GTFF, SEIU/OPEU, GCIU) then the union should be your first call; not the Office of Affirmative Action, not Ken Lehrman, not Sid Moore. OAA cannot, due to collective bargaining agreement, move anything forward if the person complaining or inquiring is represented by a union.
In general, if you are a “classified” staff, the union only has 20 days in which to file a grievance on discrimination or harassment. Such shorter timelines (timelines that are shorter than Oregon or Federal Labor Laws) are similar in all union contracts on this campus. This wonderful university of ours has consistently denied discrimination and harassment grievances due to timelines being missed.
While it may be true that the number of ‘formal grievances’ which OAA files is down, the number of missed-timeline potential grievances and denied grievances due to timeline are increased for the SEIU/OPEU. Why? Because it is not clear that OAA tells all union represented employees on this campus that they should immediately call their union. It is not clear that OAA tells these employees that a timeline is ticking and that timeline does not match the cushy period that state labor laws affords.”
Are you a victim of discrimination on campus? Have you been turned away from Affirmative Action? Do you believe what Sid Moore says? Would you like your voice to be heard?
Please contact Sid Moore and tell him how you disagree with his article. Let him know you are afraid to come forth for fear of retaliation. Let him know you have come forth, only to be “blacklisted” or have your problem not get resolved. Let him know you are aware of hostile environments on campus. While you’re at it, why not let President Frohnmayer know how you feel. They can be reached at [email protected], 346-2985 and [email protected], 346-3036.
Carla McNelly is the membership organizer for SEIU/OPEU Local 085 at the University of Oregon.