From the Oregon Daily Emerald,
Oct. 18, 1939:
3 Rooms Open in Chapman
Three more classrooms in Chapman hall will be thrown open to University students today, according to an announcement by C.L. Constance, assistant registrar.
The classrooms, rooms 202, 203 and 204, are all on the second floor of the new building and will be used almost exclusively for the various social science classes, Constance said.
Jay Graybeal Loses on Downs
to Common Cold
Jay Graybeal, not in the infirmary because of a fractured skull, twisted fibia or similar injury usually obtained on the gridiron, was abed in the campus hospital yesterday with — a common cold! And NOT a common case of a had-a-bad-Saturday-nightus.
“I went to a show, and then right to bed, and the first thing the next morning I had it,” he related cheerfully.
A Lifetime for Hayward at Oregon
— And Bill Has Loved it
It’s against the doctor’s orders, but Colonel Bill Hayward, coach and trainer of Oregon athletes for the past 36 years, is not yet ready to call it quits.
A heart attack some four months ago sent Colonel Bill to bed for 14 weeks — his first illness in his 71 years of activity. …
From now on Colonel Bill must limit his activities to supervising the varsity and freshman track teams. …
“I have given the best part of my life to Oregon,” he said, “and Oregon has given me everything I want.”
Yesteryear’s news
Daily Emerald
October 17, 2001
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