The Oregon women’s golf team placed 23rd out of 24 squads Wednesday at the NCAA Fall Preview in Auburn, Wash.
Oregon finished 36 holes at a final count of 652. The Ducks edged Washington State (657) for second-to-last place in the tournament.
The final round of the tournament was canceled due to heavy rain.
Senior Kathy Cho led the Ducks with a round of 161, tying her for 101st overall in the tournament. Freshman Jessica Carlyon placed 107th with a 164, while fellow freshmen Jaime Seefried and Johnna Nealy tied for 112th-place with scores of 167.
Also finishing for the Ducks were sophomores Lacy Erickson (168) and Katie Cunningham (180).
Texas and Auburn tied for the team tournament championship with scores of 591, with Tulsa placing one stroke behind at 592 and Ohio State finishing in fourth-place with a 594.
Oregon’s next tournament is the OSU/Shanico Invitational on Oct. 8-10.
— Hank Hager