I am still stunned that my little grievance kicked off a campus-wide movement garnering national attention from the likes of Bill O’Reilly and the lovable William A. Donahue. I have had a rocky relationship with the newly formed coalition Students of Faith since its inception, but regardless, I believe the members’ hearts are in the right place. I am glad to see other students on campus care enough about respect and decency to combat the abuses by The Insurgent.
The Insurgent gets off from offending and insulting others, and the real shame is that their March issue squandered an opportunity to intelligently discuss Christianity. They provided us with pointless sexual images and a rant against Christianity that was full of factual errors and logical fallacies. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with debating the impact Christianity has had on society, but the ignorant, immature and arrogant content of the March issue only served to make people mad and offend people’s deeply held religious sensibilities.
Something I have noticed that has reassured me of the sanity and goodwill of the University is that virtually no one has come out and defended the content of The Insurgent. Some have defended The Insurgent’s legal right to publish with the incidental fee, but I have not encountered anyone who has actually defended the content of the paper. Students and faculty at the University seem unified in the opinion that The Insurgent’s March issue was offensive, obnoxious and simply mean-spirited. The issue of legality is one that I raised and one that will be debated in the weeks and months to come, and whatever the outcome, I can say that I have a renewed faith in the University because of the unified reaction of disgust I have seen toward The Insurgent’s March issue.
Zachary White
University senior
UO’s true colors emerge in Insurgent controversy
Daily Emerald
May 24, 2006
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