Is it ironic to anyone else that a student senator can request sanctions based on so-called morality (“Senator asks for sanctions condemning the Insurgent,” ODE May 24)? The latest debauchery includes cartoons of Jesus with an erection (gasp!) and kissing another man (double gasp!).
How can we as the student body continue to threaten freedom of speech? Was the cartoon offensive? Maybe, but let’s face it: It is probably true that good ol’ Jesus had a boner from time to time, and after years of celibacy, it may be true that his buddies became more and more attractive to him. So what’s the problem? Shouldn’t we spend more time and energy on the fact that our highly (im)moral University continues to get support from a corporation that uses sweatshops or that in 2006 we are just now working on adopting a comprehensive diversity plan?
A couple of weeks ago, a group sponsored by a University club came to campus comparing abortion to genocide. How is it that sanctions were not brought upon the College Republicans for this misleading juxtaposition, while a cartoon depicting a human man with a human erection somehow justifies removal of University funds?
What is most offensive to me is not the images, but the response to these images which are protected by law. Wake up folks! People have different beliefs than you, and they are allowed to voice them. Your tax money/student fees support all sorts of stuff you may not believe in. If you don’t like them that much, remove your own participation, but don’t remove monies from a student publication because you don’t like what it is saying.
Ray Cole
University student