The liberal judges won, the Democrat candidates won for the valley, a few Republicans won in eastern Oregon, no conservative social reforms passed, and property rights were upheld. A less-than-perfect governor was re-elected. The Oregon House and Senate are pretty much split, but generally experienced candidates won. State tax increases failed, many local taxes passed.
So what? Many of the candidates, including judges, only won by a 5% margin or less. The exceptions were experienced legislators, who gained large majorities. Measure 43 only lost by a 10% margin.
I hope that winning candidates will take note of these trends – Oregonians elected the most experienced candidates to represent them, and nearly tied the rest. Even Kulongoski won by less than a 7% margin. We want a state that is well-managed – and are split on the other issues. We want communities that fend for themselves, and a state that doesn’t waste our money.
Yes, that Democrats now have the majority in state politics and are evening out in national politics. But I would advise them to remember their slim margins within their districts, and avoid the “us vs. them” mentality so prevalent in America’s politics. Legislators and Governor, take note: You represent us all, but only half of the state agrees with you. Please represent us all.