It took six months for the student government to complete its campaign targeting unruly fans at football and men’s basketball games, but on Monday afternoon student officials met with the Allen Hall Advertising agency to reveal how the will combat out-of-line spectators next year.
The final product: Entertainment and humor that will “subtly slip in the fact that ‘you know these morals,’” AHA copywriter Brad Soulas said.
The University set a record this past football season when police escorted 70 unruly fans from an Autzen Stadium during the Nov. 19 Civil War game. In response, University President Dave Frohnmayer said at a meeting with student government representatives that fans were increasingly violent and out of hand. The student officials then took it upon themselves to address the issue and target students directly with a classy behavior advertising campaign.
It took months of planning, several debates and a veto from the ASUO president before the ASUO awarded $2,500 from student fees to the campaign.
Leaflets handed out with student tickets, ads in the Emerald, posters around campus and a banner at MacArthur Court will remind students that “it’s a group effort” to be respectful.
Included in the leaflets will be slogans such as “We’re all in this together. It’s like a packed car –
Student government reveals campaign promoting classy fan behavior
Daily Emerald
June 11, 2006
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