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On Wednesday night, a panel of paranormal experts from varied parts of Oregon came together to discuss their work to a number of inquisitive students in the Living Learning Center’s auditorium. Some laughed at the claims made by the experts and others listened intently from their seats, wondering if they too could experience the paranormal as these folks had.
The panel consisted of members from 3 different paranormal research groups – The Pacific Paranormal Research Society, Ghost Education Research Center, and Trails End Paranormal Society. They shared their experiences with ghosts, spirits, and hauntings, and showed the students the tools of the trade – dowsing rods, electromagnetic field (EF) detectors, and high-definition video cameras.
After the panel discussion, students were given the opportunity to follow these researchers out to Pioneer Cemetery in hopes of seeing their own ghost or spirit. Many students saw nothing, some wanted to believe they did, and others had stories that seemed completely believable. Ghost or not, students got a taste of paranormal researching and perhaps will return to the cemetery on another night in hopes of seeing their first ghost.
Close Encounters
Daily Emerald
February 22, 2007
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