Two women were struck by a dark-colored pick-up truck in a crosswalk at 13th Avenue and Hilyard Street near Sacred Heart Medical Center at 7:43 p.m. Thursday night.
Lucy I. Lahr, 45, of Eugene was killed, and Susan D. Wehner was listed in fair condition at Sacred Heart on Friday morning.
According to Eugene police, witnesses said the two women were walking westbound through the crosswalk when the truck made a hard accelerated left turn onto Hilyard, striking the women. The truck did not stop.
Police are reviewing videotape of the crash for possible leads. The Forensic Investigation Reconstruction Survey Team responded to investigate.
Anyone with information about the incident should contact Officer Michael Klews at 682-5154 ext. 1193.
Update: Fatal hit-and-run on Hilyard
Daily Emerald
October 20, 2007
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