Since its first publication on Feb. 12, 1900, the Oregon Daily Emerald has been a forum of diverse opinion. One of the most successful aspects of the Emerald has been its prominence and consistency in addressing the issues that are affecting the world. At many times, the Emerald has taken a controversial stance in its attempt to protect one of the most sacred freedoms that every human being has been endowed with: the freedom of speech.
The evolving political issues of the 21st century are placing exceeding pressure and attention on the direction of Earth’s ecology. Ultimately, this century’s political landscape is evolving into a forum of self-reflection. Societies must conform to the growing strain upon the Earth’s natural resources. Unfortunately, issues that address environmental action tend to appear periodically; only when such an issue has received national attention.
With mounting evidence of environmental destruction and decay, individuals are asking how they contribute to this global crisis and what can be done to reverse this trend. In order to educate the population, a clear and open forum for discussion must be consistently available. Global warming does exist, and it does pose a problem for this generation. However, the greater tragedy would be to deny the importance of this issue, and others relative to the continued existence of humanity.
The time has come for the Oregon Daily Emerald to uphold its primary values. The time has come to introduce a consistently featured column that specifically addresses environmental issues facing the public. At long last, the Emerald can play a part in elevating issues relative to the environmental health of our planet to a status of importance. Only through this action can members of the local community begin to accept environmental issues as a component of routine life, and not merely a “hot-button” political issue during electoral seasons.
I have chosen to submit this commentary so that I may exercise my freedom of speech. However, I only have the opportunity to speak my mind through the Emerald once a month. Environmental issues are of importance, and must be given the proper attention that they deserve. The Emerald could be the means to offer tips to students on how to reduce their consumption, or to reveal issues that do not typically receive coverage.
The Oregon Daily Emerald has obtained a reputation as a public forum for the community to discuss current issues. Certainly, the environmental health of our planet has and will continue to be a “current issue.” Therefore, I urge the Editorial Board of the Oregon Daily Emerald to integrate a permanent Environmental Column in their publication. I further urge members of the community to voice their approval of this proposal. Change is often hard to produce. However, enough public support in any issue can create the opportunity to make a world of difference.