It is a rare occasion for one to lose her car keys and have a resulting fine, rewarding adventure.
I was “rescued” after the UO-USC game by a kind young man at Autzen who works concessions and took the time to escort me to help at West Guest Services. There, a young woman, Melanie, filling in that day, waited to leave her job while she called road assistance and then, using her own phone, tried to find an auto dealer to get help with key codes.
While we were on phones, the lanky, dark haired concessions gentleman returned with a snack of leftovers for me, concerned that I may have a long wait. His name is lost to me, darn it.
A few hours passed before I was able to get my dog out of the car for a break and then drive home to Sisters. What is usually a frustrating, time-consumming experience instead became a fun few hours during which I met several kind and thoughtful people.
What a staff at Autzen Stadium. They made a great day even better.
Bonnie Malone
University alumna, ’72