If your federal income tax return makes you cry, then you can count on the WYMPROV!’s return to the WOW Hall on Saturday, April 15, to turn those tears into cheers.
That’s right, those four wacky women of WYMPROV! will be back at it again, this time fighting the Internal Revenue Service blues with their unique style of improv comedy.
“I’m really excited because I’ve always wanted to do a tax show. We looked at the calendar and thought, ‘what a great opportunity,’” WYMPROV!’s group leader Vicki Silvers said.
The group originated when they met at an improv workshop and instantly felt a comic chemistry. Their first performance was in 1991, and they have been humoring the Northwest ever since.
The group doesn’t harbor much anxiety going into a performance because with improv there really is no formal preparation, according to some group members.
“The more mistakes you make, the better,” member Sally Sheklow said. “It’s not like a theatrical performance. If it looks perfect, then there is no fun in making it up. We don’t have many worries.”
Opening the show will be Laff-Off 2000 champion Jennifer Self, who will perform a half hour of stand-up before the improv troupe takes the stage. Self, who is also part-time manager of the WYMPROV! troupe, encourages people to expect to be involved and to laugh a lot.
“Be prepared to travel all over the world of your imagination,” Self said.
The troupe relies on suggestions from the audience as fodder for their show, so they encourage attendants to come ready to participate.
“Be ready to shout out your favorite food or to suggest a character,” Sheklow said.
Although the WYMPROV! troupe is made up of women, it has acquired a diverse following. Women and men, young and old alike come out to enjoy the troupe’s act.
“Some of our biggest fans are kids,” Sheklow said. “They are great to have in the audience because they are so free with their suggestions.”
Group member Silvers agrees.
“We have kids who stuff their backpacks full of things in case we ask for them,” Silvers said.
Dynamics are an essential element to any performing group, and the individuals that make up WYMPROV! each bring a different strength to the collective.
“Debby Martin is really wacky and off the wall. You wouldn’t expect it from looking at her,” Silvers said. “Sally is really wordy and comes up with witty, smart rhymes easily. Enid Lefton is the consummate professional. She drives us to improve. And I’m the youngest of the group and can play off of everybody.”
The troupe members said having the group entirely made up of females makes their job more challenging, but it doesn’t limit them to having to do only female characters.
“If someone calls out, ‘sailor,’ we have to take that on,” Sheklow said. “You have to be able to be anyone. The joke of switching gender isn’t there.”
The troupe is raising funds to help pay for a trip to Chicago for a female improv festival at the end of August, Silvers said.