* Thursday, June 1
2 p.m. — The Groove Juice Special, EMU Amphitheater. Free. All ages.
7 p.m. — Cynthia Beal w/ Bleu Tie Affair (torch ballads), Chez Ray’s, 44 W. 10th Ave. Free.
8 p.m. — UO Ensemble Concert, Beall Concert Hall, 961 E. 18th Ave. Tickets $5 general, $3 students and senior citizens.
8 p.m. — Johnny Wilde and the Blue Yonder (rock), Foxfire Restaurant and Bar, 4740 Main St., Springfield. Free.
9:30 p.m. — Fritz and the Poor Boys, Black Forest Tavern, 2657 Willamette. Free.
9:30 p.m. — Soloist (jazz), Chez Ray’s, 44 W. 10th Ave. Free.
10 p.m. — 80s Night (dance), John Henry’s, 136 E. 11th Ave. Free.
* Friday, June 2
5 p.m. — Walker T. Ryan (blues), Chez Ray’s, 44 W. 10th Ave. Free.
6 p.m. — Opening Reception, Maude Kerns Art Center, 1910 E. 15th Ave. Until 8 p.m. Suggested $2 donation. Local artists Nancy Pobanz and Keiko Yanamouchi will display their works through June 29.
7 p.m. — Simply Jazz with Cynthia Rae, Chez Ray’s, 44 W. 10th Ave. Free.
7 p.m. — Animation Explosion 2000, Room 177 Lawrence Hall. Showcases student-created multimedia, animation and visual design work. Free.
7 p.m. — “The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickelby, Part 2,” Robinson Theater, Villard Hall. Tickets are $10 general; $8 senior citizens, UO faculty and staff; and $5 students. Part 1 also runs at 1 p.m. June 3.
7:30 p.m. — Oregon Ballroom Dance, Room 220 Gerlinger Hall. $4 general, $3 students and staff. No partner needed.
7:30 p.m. — Dance Theater of Oregon, Swine Dive #9, Soreng Theater, One Eugene Center. $16 general admission, $12 youth.
8 p.m. — “Cross the Map,” featuring the Tiffany Mills Dance Company, Dougherty Dance Theater, Gerlinger Annex. $6 general, $3 students and senior citizens.
9 p.m. — Moth with Blyss, WOW Hall, 291 W. Eighth. Tickets are $6 at the door.
9 p.m. — Eclectic Open Mic, The Buzz Coffeehouse, EMU. Free.
9:30 p.m. — 3-D movie “Revenge of the Creature” (sequel to “The Creature from the Black Lagoon”), featuring Clint Eastwood in his first-ever film role. EMU Amphitheater. $2 for students, $3 general admission.
9:30 p.m. — Flying Colours (rock), Black Forest Tavern, 2657 Willamette. Free.
9:30 p.m. — Mr. Wizard (rock), Foxfire Restaurant and Bar, 4740 Main St., Springfield. Two-drink minimum.
9:30 p.m. — Stone Cold Jazz, Chez Ray’s, 44 W. 10th Ave. Free.
9:30 p.m. — Rally Boy, Welsh Rabbit, Gabriel Blue, and The Messengers (alt. rock), John Henry’s, 136 E. 11th Ave. $3 cover.
* Saturday, June 3
5 p.m. — Eileen Hemphill-Haley (folk artist), Tsunami Books, 2585 Willamette St. Until 7 p.m. Free.
6 p.m. — Summer Send Off, EMU amphitheater. End-of-the-year party includes a dance competition, DJ Dan Craig, refreshments and prizes. Free.
7 p.m. — Jamie Maderas (flamenco), Chez Ray’s, 44 W. 10th Ave. Free.
8 p.m. — The Man Without a World, Room 180 PLC. The After Quartet will perform a live score. $5 for students, $6 for general public.
9:30 p.m. — Honey Bucket (bluegrass), Chez Ray’s, 44 W. 10th Ave. Free.
9:30 p.m. — Jubal (jazz-rock), Black Forest Tavern, 2657 Willamette. Free.
9:30 p.m. — Watermelon Head (rock), Foxfire Restaurant and Bar, 4740 Main St., Springfield. Two-drink minimum.
10 p.m. — Courtesy Clerks, Naysayers, The Bakery (alt. rock), John Henry’s, 136 E. 11th Ave. Free.
* Sunday, June 4
3 p.m. — Vaudeville for the family, Chez Ray’s, 44 W. 10th Ave. Free.
5:30 p.m. — Karaoke, Foxfire Restaurant and Bar, 4740 Main St., Springfield. Two-drink minimum.
6 p.m. — Vaudeville for the family, Chez Ray’s, 44 W. 10th Ave. Free.
7:30 p.m. — Sandy Silva (percussive dancer), WOW Hall, 291 W. Eighth. Tickets are $11.50 in advance, $13 at the door.
9 p.m. — Blues Jam, Taylor’s Bar and Grill, 894 E 13th. Free.
9 p.m. — Open Mic, Black Forest Tavern, 2657 Willamette. Free.
9 p.m. — Nobody’s Business with One Up Two Down (rock), John Henry’s, 136 E. 11th Ave. Free.
* Monday, June 5
7 p.m. — Allen Ginsburg Birthday Celebration, Chez Ray’s, 44 W. 10th Ave. Until 7 p.m. Festivities will include a reading of “Howl,” a Ginsburg classic, by Izzy Whetstine.
10 p.m. — DJ dance, Taylor’s Bar and Grill, 894 E 13th. $1 cover.
10 p.m. — Mixology 101 (house, jungle, trip-hop), John Henry’s, 136 E. 11th Ave. Free.
* Tuesday, June 6
7 p.m. — Scotty Perey (sing-along), Chez Ray’s, 44 W. 10th Ave. Free.
9:30 p.m. — Carmizin (folk fusion), Black Forest Tavern, 2657 Willamette. Free.
9:30 p.m. — Grateful Dead Appreciation Night, Chez Ray’s, 44 W. 10th Ave. Free.
10 p.m. — JLA Night at the House (house), John Henry’s, 136 E. 11th Ave. Free.
* Wednesday, June 5
8 p.m. — Theurgic Seed (multimedia show), Soreng Theater, Hult Center, One Eugene Center. Includes animation, lights, art, Raging Family and a string orchestra. Tickets are $12 for students, $15 general admission.
8 p.m. — Dick Dale (surf guitar) with Los Mex Pistols Del Norte (Latino rock), WOW Hall, 291 W. Eighth. Tickets are $10.
7 p.m. — Skip Jones (Louisiana folk), Chez Ray’s, 44 W. 10th Ave. Free.
9:30 p.m. — John Barley (guitar), Chez Ray’s, 44 W. 10th Ave. Free.
10 p.m. — Justice League of America (dance), John Henry’s, 136 E. 11th Ave. No cover for women; men $2.