When students leave Eugene for the holidays this December, would-be thieves will likely comb the campus and surrounding areas for easy targets, police warn.
“Unfortunately, there are predators out there just waiting for you guys to go home,” Eugene Police Department spokeswoman Jan Power said.
Typically, theft is common in the University area during the holidays and during finals week, when students are struggling to end the term and begin the winter break, said Power.
She said students should be sure to lock doors and windows and chain bikes while they pack their cars and secure their homes.
Department of Public Safety Lt. Joan Saylor said there are often attempted burglaries in Greek houses, in student-populated apartment complexes and on campus — all areas which she called “target-rich environments.”
“The bad guys know just as much as you do that it’s finals week,” she said. “There are people coming in here thinking it’s an easy mark.”
While cramming for finals on campus, students should always keep an eye on their backpacks, wallets and laptop computers.
“A broken record during finals week is ‘do not leave your backpacks and valuables behind because when you come back, they could be gone,’” Saylor said.
After finals are completed and term papers turned in, Saylor added, students should take extra measures to make their homes unappealing to would-be thieves.
She suggested keeping valuables away from windows and out of sight. Also, she recommended stopping mail and newspaper deliveries to avoid making it obvious that a house is empty.
Students living in the residence halls, however, will have somebody looking after their belongings during the holiday.
In addition to DPS and student patrols maintaining a campus presence during the break, University Housing uses the time to extensively clean the residence halls.
“There are eyes and ears around,” said Sheri Donahoe, associate director for residence life.
University Housing will change the locks on the outer doors and give keys only to students who pre-register to stay on campus during the break.
December signifies a month of many presents Ð for thieves
Daily Emerald
November 28, 2000
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