Pearson, Daniel
Eugene, OR
[email protected]
I worked as a freelance sports reporter in the fall of 1995, and againas a higher education reporter in the spring of 1997.
I am now working as the sports editor for the Siuslaw News in Florence,OR.
Peters, Don
Dixon, California
[email protected]
I worked at the Emerald from 1988 to 1993, starting out as Politics Associate Editor before finally becoming the embittered old Emerald veteran columnist no one knew what to do with. During the intervening years I was the Editorial Editor (twice), Communi ty Associate Editor and Freelance Editor. Anything to get a paycheck. Fondest recollections are the long night editor sessions; boredom punctuated by brief episodes of panic, and on one memorable occasion, a fire in the dark room.
Recently married, I own my own business working as an independent marketingrep for several different medical companies. Yeah, about as far away fromjournalism as I could physically get. I limit my writing these days to disgruntledletters to the editor of my local newspaper. Also, I serve as a Recon PlatoonLeader in the California National Guard, where my main job requirement isfalling out of helicopters.
Ranieri, Andre
Kennewick, WA
[email protected]
1987-1991, photographer
I’ve been at the Tri-City Herald for a year and a half now. PreviouslyI was at the Coos Bay, Ore., World with fellow ODE staffers Mark Ylen andTammy Batey.
Reeves, Robbie
Eugene, OR
[email protected]
Worked at the ODE 1993-1995 as a columnist, higher ed reporter and editorialeditor.
I’m now a member service representative at Pentagon Federal Credit Union,no relation to my journalism degree.
Schmierbach, Mike
Madison, WI (for now)
[email protected]
Editorial editor: June ’97-June ’98, Copy editor: Sept. ’96-June ’97, Pizza Writer
Candidate for MA at U. Wisconsin
Los Angeles, Calif.
[email protected]
Started in Fall of ’96 as copy chief under Editor Steve Asbury. Aftersome fallout from a poorly considered editorial, took over as managing editorwhere I did as little as possible.
Work for national investment paper, “Investor’s Business Daily.” Mostly I pull stuff off the wires and condense it, but I also write features on different industries and small bios on successful business folks, athletes, actors, etc.
Jim Scripps
[email protected]
I worked at the emerald as a student activities reporter from fall of 1998through winter 1999. Took off to do spring at the Springfield Snooze, thensummer Snowden at the Rosebug News-Review and got my first real job inSeptember as a cops/courts reporter for the Nevada Appeal in Carson City,Nevada. Except for the constant bombardment from radioactive fallout, I’mhaving a good time. Thanks Pam Cytrynbaum.
It’s good to see the Emerald taking the the whole Internet thing seriously.Some analysts predict that someday computers will be a very important partof our lives. Where the hell is Rudy? P.S. Bring down ASUO, some of them need a serious reality check.
Bay Area, California
[email protected]
I worked as a copy editor in the fall of 1997, also editing special supplementsfor the Sports staff. Unfortunately had to quit to do that dreaded HonorsCollege thesis and spent the rest of the year working as a freelancer, eventuallywriting the weekly “Walking Distance” column.
After several short jobs in different publications down here, I havefinally landed yet another short job that I’m hoping will become permanent.I worked as a summer intern for Sierra magazine after graduation in 1997,then moved to a reporting internship at The Palo Alto Weekly near StanfordUniversity, and then landed a temporary job at Miller Freeman as an EditorialAsst. in their directory publishing department. Next up: a six-month contractjob as associate editor in the Sunset Publishing Corporation’s Custom PublishingDepartment in Menlo Park (think Safeway Select Magazine).
Bowling Green, Kentucky
[email protected]
I worked for the Emerald off and on from 88-92 as a free-lance photographer.It was a great experience working with the likes of Sean Poston, Jeff Paslay,Jake “The Snake” Berg, and Pat Malach.
I am completing my undergraduate degree in photojournalism (the ten yearplan) at Western Kentucky University. I have finished two internships onein Corvallis and one in this God forsaken town in Iowa. Like everyone elsein photojournalism I am trying to find a job somewhere in the northwestwhen I graduate.
Tracy Sumner
Sisters, Oregon
[email protected]
Like so many ODE alums, I too have left the world of newspaper journalism(hey, I gotta pay the rent!) for another line of work. I worked for theNewberg Graphic from Sept. 1990 to Sept. 1994, then moved on to work as afreelance book writer/editor. I’ve ghost written several autobiographies,including works for National Football League players Bryce Paup, IrvingFryar, Aeneas Williams, and Chad Hennings. Also wrote a biography aboutKarsten Solheim, the founder and inventor of PING golf clubs.
Currently, I am working full-time for Multnomah Publishers in, of allplaces, Sisters, Oregon, as a writer/editor/acquisitions person. It’s agreat company, and they treat their employees exceptionally well. I do lovemy job!
I’d love to hear from any of you alums from 89-90. My year at the Emerald isfilled with great memories, and it amazes me to think that I’m coming up ona full decade since I worked as the sports editor, covering the exploits ofDuck greats such as Terrell Brandon and Bill Musgrave.
I still follow the Ducks, and attend several football games each year.
Tadjiki (was Sisson), Stephanie
Chicago, IL
[email protected]
I was an ODE-er ’92-’94 (I think) as a columnist and community reporter.I have to admit that I didn’t spend much time in the office (something Inow regret), but it was good to read here about my former colleagues RebeccaMerritt and Meg Dedolph.
I covered education and health for a daily in Ridgecrest, CA for awhile,got married, and moved to the Windy City (the things we do for love) whereI have been missing a good Oregon rain for a year and a half. I now workfor Consumers Digest as an editor , mostly on the mag’s website (check usout when we go up sometime in August, ’97.) It’s not reporting, but I worknormal hours.
Templeton (Nelson), Melissa
Moline, IL
[email protected]
I worked on the ad side as an ad rep ’88-’89 and Office Mgr ’89-’90.I also had the pleasure in selling ads during the summer for the Back-To-Schooledition.<
Currently I work at Black Hawk College in Moline IL as the Transfer CenterManager. My main res
ponsibility is to increase the number of minority studentsin transferring to a four-year school to get a Bachelors Degree. Other responsibilitiesinclude cou rse articulation, advising, curriculum, and institutional outcomes.I check my e-mail every day so if you are part of the ad crew during ’88-’90send me a message.
Thelen, Susan
Eugene, Oregon
[email protected]
1979-82 Worked in the advertising department as a sales rep. while gettingmy degree in Advertising. 1983-1990 Came back as the Advertising Director,where we did all types of fun things with some of the most talented andcrazy individuals I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Where areall you folks anyway?
Currently I am the Advertising & Marketing Director for Oregon QuarterlyMagazine. This is the magazine of the University of Oregon. Everyone interestedin this page probably gets it. It is second only to the Oregonian in circulationhere in the Northwest , and well over 100,000 nationwide. I was the firstperson to develop a advertising program for the University. I love workingback on campus, but mostly I love getting the change to read the Emeraldon a daily basis!!
Thorn, David
Dallas, Texas
[email protected]
Worked sophomore through senior years, fall 1993-spring 1996, as editorialeditor, managing editor, then editor-in-chief. Basically listened to a lotof complaints, wrote some opinion columns and editorials few people read,wrote a few too-long news stories nobody read, had a hell of a good timedoing it.
After spending a summer as a Dow Jones copy editing intern at the DallasMorning News, the goddess of “Right place, right time” shinedupon me and I was offered a part-time job here, to replace departing staffersand the previous part-timer, who had been promoted. Fingers crossed formy own promotion sooner or later. In the meantime, taking advantage of thebig-city sports scene by watching the Rangers, Mavericks, Burn (soccer),soon the Stars… taking my mind off the Ducks’ miserable football season.Si gh.
Viale, Jennifer
Portland, Or
[email protected]
Congratulations on 25 years! I worked at the ODE off an on in 1988 through1992. I was part of the production staff doing night paste-up etc. and workedwith such production goddesses as Michele and Ingrid … Where are theynow?
I am attending Portland State University, doing post-bacc work and willhave a “Teaching English as a Second Language” certificate inthe spring. Coincidentally, I am working at PSU’s the Vanguard doing productionwork, but this time around everything is computerized! I am also workingwith the Organization of International students as their PR person.
Weber, Bob
Wilsonville, OR
[email protected]
I worked for the Emerald in 1990-91, covering a variety of sports. Ohyeah, I also spent many a friday afternoon conferencing with Bouneff, Hawley,Blair, and Cogswell at the Beer Gardens.
I am the vice principal of Blanchet High School in Salem, OR.
White, Ingrid
Boulder, CO
[email protected]
I worked at the Emerald for quite a bit of time: started in Jan. 87 andstayed thru until graduation in Dec. 90; came back full-time in Aug. 91and stayed until Sept. 93; came back again full-time July 95 until Aug.97. During my time at the Emerald as a student I did just about every jobavailable in production except developing film. Then spent the rest of mytime as production coordinator. I loved all of it and working with all ofthe neato people who came and went through the production department.
Somewhere I got it in my head that I wanted to do more than just be adesigner. So I am now attending graduate school at the University of Coloradoat Boulder. What a great idea I had. So far I am loving every minute ofit (though there is lots of work to do). When I’m finished in Dec. 98 Iwill have a Master’s in Integrated Marketing Communications from the Journalismand Mass Communication School. I haven’t figured out exactly what I wantto do yet when I grow up, but after grad school the opportunities will beendless.
Ylen, Mark
Albany, OR
[email protected]
1989-1991 worked as staff photographer and photo editor
Currently I’m a staff photographer at the Democrat-Herald in Albany.
Zimmer, Kurt
Montrose, Colorado
[email protected]
sports freelancer, 1987-1990
sports editor, The Montrose (Colo.) Daily Press