Beniasians (Pitman), Caroline
Sunland, California
I worked at the Emerald from 1964-68. I began proofreading the copy inthe basement of the Journalism building. Gradually I ascended to the upperfloor where I worked in the advertising dept. with Rick Abrahamson ( spelling? ) One summer I was the Nation al Advertising Manager. Revolutionary years!
I am the Technology Coordinator for a private school in Glendale, California.Also I am working on my Masters degree in Educational Technology. I am marriedwith two girls, one 22 and one 15 years old.
Bosch, Dan
Snohomish, WA [email protected]
I received my first ODE assignment in fall of ’69 from Paul Brainerd…or was it Steve Smith? Anyway, it was to cover Mark Hatfield speaking at one of the Frat Houses.
It was still the most memorable assignment as he’d forgotten to mention that it was a dress affair and I showed up in blue jeans and a sweater.
Those were tough times on campus and the political environment and anti-war, civil rights, and environmental activities were a daily occurance that needed to be covered and occasionally caught up in.
I’m a program support analyst for a large software company in the Puget Sound area…Have a great family and still write occaisonally.
Silver Spring, Md.
1959-61 (approx.) Editorial Writer
Editor AARP Bulletin Washington, D.C.
Conard(Buchanan), Annette
Sandy, OR
From 1964 to ’67 I was a reporter, desk person, layout person and managingeditor. In 1967 I was named most valuable staffer. I was charged with contemptof court for refusing to reveal sources in a drug story. My case was thebasis for the shield law.
I have been copy editor for The Oregonian since 1968.
Davis, Hugh
Spokane, WA [email protected] (or) [email protected]
1969, 1970, 1971,
Under editors Paul Brainerd, Ron Eachus and Grattan Kerans, I was a reporter covering the conduct committee, and marches, riots, cops, dissidence.
I am assistant director of Libby Center, a professional staff and gifted student development center for Spokane Public Schools. Worked locally for the Spokane Daily Chronicle, KREM Television News, the Business Examiner.
Fancher, Mike
Seattle, WA [email protected]
Emerald editor in 1967-68.
Executive editor and senior vice president of The Seattle Times. In additionto my newsroom role, I am responsible for new media/business development.I remain active with the UO School of Journalism as a member of its advancementcouncil.
Fields, James
Eugene, Oregon [email protected]
I had already finished my B.A. elsewhere, and owned a magazine, whenI came to Oregon in 1961 for some graduate study. I was a writer and photographerfor the Emerald that spring, then served as editor for the “The SummerSun” at UO with the understandin g that I would make changes leadingto a summer Emerald: selling ads, converting from metal type to offset,etc. I later moved on to edit newspapers in Washington and California beforegetting a journalism Ph.D at U. of Missouri.
I have retired from both the Univ. of Maryland and Univ. of Wisconsinsystem where I served as journalism program head. I spent 20 years in highereducation but had other good experiences working with media folks in Washington,D.C. and trekking to South Africa with some of them before Nelson Mandelacame to power. Now I serve as an ODE director until my wife Sally McMillanfinishes her Ph.D. here next summer. Then we’re off to Cairo, Boston, orwherever opportunity beckons. Journalism provides an int eresting life.
Green, Stephen
Fair Oaks, CA [email protected]
I worked for The Emerald from 1962-65. It was an excellent introductioninto the dysfunctional nature of newspaper management. Lessons learned havestood me well during a 30-year career in journalism that has allowed meto work from coast-to-coast and fi le stories from both poles.
More importantly, I have twin children who graduate from college in May’96: Sara, is a biology major at Occidental College and Warren, an economicsmajor at USC. I learned recently that John Hulteng died of cancer at age74. Some of you may remember him as a professor and dean during the 1960sand early 70s. It was a privilege to have been his student. The UO has anoutstanding scholarship program for low-income students called the CarlOnthank Scholarship Fund. I sent a contribution to the fund in John Hulteng’smemory. Hope some of you will do the same. The address is Carl Onthank ScholarshipFund, UO Foundation, University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. 97403.
Hoffmann, Joe
Santa Clara, CA [email protected]
I was assistant sports editor (63-64) then Sports Editor 64-65) of theODE. Great times and great interviews. Most interesting is to continue totrace the people I wrote stories and features on, or dealt with for interviews:John Robinson of the footbal l coaching staff, now in his second stint withUSC; Bruce Snyder, who was a fullback on the football team; Ancer Haggarty,who now is a (federal?) judge in Portland. Or people like Jim Barnett, andSteve and Nick Jones, all from UO basketball who went int o NBA career,but now are all in broadcasting as analysts. (Can any college team boastof three broadcasters?) I remember two some of the people who became prominent politicians, such as Neil Goldschmidt and Chuck Royer. The days at the ODE were a blast. Those were the times of hit type printing, and the manualtypewriter was the keyboard of necessity!
Have spent the past 30 years at what is now Lockheed Martin Corporation,working on national defense projects and programs. Have spent more than20 years of that time as a supervisor of documentation publishing. I amlooking forward to retirement and con centrating on freelance writing andphotography.
Horton, Stan
Portland, OR [email protected]
sports editor 1969
Television editor of The Oregonian since 1982. Have worked for the papersince 1971.
Kalb, Ben
Santa Monica, Ca.
worked 66-69 as sports writer and eventually sports editor.
After working for 6 years as sportswriter for Honolulu Advertiser andfreelance for New York Times, then went on to produce PM Magazine in LosAngeles and other TV shows. Now into television and film as producer/director.I have also produced/directed several infomercials. In l995 I wrote, producedand directed by first film short, which is now being sent to festivals.Am now about to produce a talk/magazine TV pilot. I can b e contacted at1541 Ocean Ave. Suite 200 Santa Monica, Ca. 90401.
MacManus, Don
Seekonk, Massachusetts Seekmac@aol
I was a reporter and night editor in 1969 and 1970. It was a great time to work on the paper with all the war protests and “revolution” in the air. My clearest memory is the night the Lane County Sheriffs came on campus to teargas and arre
st about a hundred students occupying administration building. We all gathered at the paper because it just seemed like the thing to do. I was assigned to go to the Sheriff’s Department that night and get the names of those arrested and almost got arrested myself.
After working at papers in Rhode Island, Chicago and Massachusetts I went to law school and now have my own practice in Seekonk.
Neville-Castillo, Cathy
Redwood City, CA [email protected]
61-65, beat reporter, night editor, etc.
editor ’64-65
Currently News Director, Stanford Graduate School of Business
In the past I was a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle; a reporter, editor, and bureau chief for the San Jose Mercury News, a reporter and editor for Associated Press in Portland and Seattle, and a reporter for the Eugene Register Guard
Office Phone is 650-725-3238
Sanderlin, Cliff
Edmonds, Washington [email protected]
I was a reporter from ’64 until ’66, then editorial page editor in ’67under the excellent leadership of Phil Semas.
My brief career in newpaper journalism included the Salem CapitalJournal (now Statesman-Journal) and–following a Peace Corps assignmentin Brazil–a stint at the Eugene Register-Guard. Unable to findnewspaper work when I moved to Seattle in 1976, I took a job in publicinformation for a nonprofit health organization. (Every reporter shouldwork in public information for at least 6 months!) From publicinformation, I tumbled (or stumbled) into fund development and publicrelations. I was development director for the local U of Wash. NationalPublic Radio station for 8 years and then at other UW departments,including the College of Engineering and Harborview Medical Center. Forthe past two years, I have been Director of Alumni Affairs for the UWSchool of Medicine. In this job–which I love–I edit the medicalalumni magazine and oversee a staff which produces numerous events andactivities for alumni and medical students. There is no fund-raisingrequirement, which is a pleasant change.
I have two grown sons–Galen and Joel–who live in the San JuanIslands–and am married to Heather Marks, a journalism alum fromNorthern Illinois University. Heather does Web and publications designat the University of Washington and for private clients.
John Hulteng was one of my heroes. In fact, he may be my ONLY hero! Ithoroughly enjoyed his editorial writing class. There were otherexcellent professors, but he stands out as the best!
Sands, Dave
Deep Bay, B.C. Canada [email protected]
1960-64 Walked into the office before classes started and said I wasa photographer. The then Emerald Editor, Jim (?)Boyd gave me a Emerald Pentaxand a Honeywell flash unit and sent me out to a sorority to get a shot ofa new pledge being welcomed. Editorial pol icy changed radically as newpeople succeed old. I stayed on and did some of everything. Probable highpoint of my Emerald career was the homecoming issue in November of 1963.Kennedy was shot about 10 a.m. PST, and the staff came together and putout an entire issue on the story to replace the Homecomer. A blur of emotions,frantic work, and a feeling that this is what journalism is about. Now,I’m not so sure, but hell, you’re only 23 once.
Today, I string for a trade magazine and I’m opening a B&B in my waterfronthome in May. (plug!) After Oregon, I spent ca. 22 years at U of Albertadoing film and video. Would be happy to hear from any of the J-school classof 64 still around. Would like to meet Mike Duncan someday, too.
Semas, Phil
Adelphi, Md. [email protected]
Worked at the Emerald 1963-67; editor 1966-67
In charge of new media for The Chronicle of Higher Education and TheChronicle of Philanthropy. Previously served as managing editor of The Chronicleof Higher Education (1978-87). Started The Chronicle of Philanthropy in1988 and served as its editor until moving to present job in 1995.