Name: Nick Schultz
Position: ASUO President
Age: 20
Hometown: Gresham, Ore.
Class standing: Senior
Major: Political Science and History
Arrests: None
Briefly explain your platform.
Taking a stand on issues that matter to you in your everyday life. Would implement textbook exchange program, continue presence in Washington, D.C. and Salem to address larger issues, create congressional action center through ASUO. Responsible planning would look beyond next year; reinvest in EMU, permanently fund and institutionalize Bike Loan Program. Unifying campus: give students the information they need to get involved, use modern communication to talk to students and teach them about ASUO. Equitable services: keep library open 24/7, late-night shuttles. Wants to make ASUO matter to every single student and show them how ASUO can impact their lives.
What qualities and experience qualify you to be ASUO president?
Leadership: chaired PFC, was a student senator, worked on sustainability coalition. He is an everyday student who is affected by all these policies. He wants to get students involved in ASUO process.
What are your thoughts on the purpose and size of the student incidental fee?
Purpose is to promote and enhance educational, cultural and physical development of students. Can be used off-campus if it still promotes the well-being of students on campus. Can’t just raise or lower i-fee; each individual service must be evaluated before changing the i-fee. If the i-fee can lower other costs for students, it’s fine where it is. Academic services cannot be cut.
How would you fund the LTD bus service?
Candidate ran out of time before question could be asked.
Do you support extending the 24-hour library program, and if so, how?
Candidate ran out of time before question could be asked.
Should OSPIRG return to campus, and if so, what form should it take?
Candidate ran out of time before question could be asked.
Name: Lidiana Soto
Position: ASUO Vice President
Age: 20
Hometown: Mount Angel, Ore.
Class standing: Junior
Major: Political Science and Ethnic Studies
Arrests: None
Briefly explain your platform.
Look into textbook exchange modeled after Craigslist. New media director position would revamp ASUO Web site to make information more accessible to students. This is a fundamental issue that could have been addressed a long time ago.
What qualities and experience qualify you to be ASUO vice president?
Several things. A lot of students are qualified to do this, they just don’t come out. I am distinguished because I have worked with the Oregon Department of Education since high school, and am interning with (it) this summer and will work with Susan Castillo. I’ve put on campus events and worked with many campus organizations. Outreach is a big issue and I would have that experience coming in. Last term I helped put on a four-day national conference.
What are your thoughts on the purpose and size of the student incidental fee?
Candidate ran out of time before question could be asked.
What do you see as the vice president’s role in the ASUO?
Candidate ran out of time before question could be asked.
How would you fund the LTD bus service?
Candidate ran out of time before question could be asked.
Should OSPIRG return to campus, and if so, what form should it take?
Candidate ran out of time before question could be asked.