Name: Zachary Stark-MacMillan
Position: Senate Seat 16 – Science
Age: 20
Hometown: Salem, Ore.
Class standing: Junior
Major: Computer Science
Arrests: None
Briefly explain your platform.
True Blue; get students more involved on campus. One of the things I’m really excited about is creating a Congressional action center to get more involved on a state and national level in politics.
What qualities and experience qualify you to be an ASUO senator?
Mostly just that I’m a student and interested in where my money goes and where everybody’s money goes and how it’s spent. I have been involved in some environmental groups and this week organized a lobby day to Salem for energy and climate solutions. That was fairly successful.
What are your thoughts on the purpose and size of the student incidental fee?
The purpose of the incidental fee is for it to be used for the cultural and physical development of the student body. And so I think that while it is large, if used correctly, it can be used to help reduce costs like textbook prices.
How will you ensure that you are representing your constituents’ interests?
Setting up weekly or monthly coffee session with science majors.
What are some major issues facing science majors and how would you address them?
Textbooks, getting a job, would work with the Career Center.
Zachary Stark-MacMillan
Daily Emerald
April 5, 2009
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