Well, that chocolate sauce sure looked tasty. Monday’s Greek Week photo essay (“Olympian eating feats,” ODE, May 11), while well-captured visually, was yet another example of the Emerald’s lack of comprehensive coverage of fraternity and sorority life. The images lacked context and the newspaper never provided a description of the week’s purpose.
Greek Week promotes interfraternity relations through positive, healthy activities.
Choosing to highlight Greeks with food smeared on their faces undermines how seriously chapter members take their responsibilities and how respectfully we try to represent our houses to non-Greek students. Coverage of the Greek community has been lacking all year. Where is the Emerald reporting of the many philanthropy and community service events in which the Greek community actively participates?
Just this month, fraternity and sorority members will groom campus for University Day this Thursday, May 13, walk in Relay for Life May 15 and 16, and will raise funds for cancer research at the Delta Tau Delta Volleyball tournament May 22. The tournament raised more than $5,000 last year.
I hope that the Emerald will be there the next time the Greek community comes out to support and serve.
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