In director Tony Scott’s “Unstoppable,” Frank (Denzel Washington) and Will (Chris Pine) set out to stop a runaway train from decimating Stanton, Pa.
“Unstoppable” is a fast-paced thriller that at times keeps you on the edge of your seat, but anything that isn’t part of the train sequence seems like filler.
Will is on his first day of the job and Frank is his engineer. Frank has been working for the railway for the last 28 years, while he watches new kids take jobs like his. The characters start off with this conflict, but it is quickly forgotten as the relentless train pulls away from the station after an operational mishap. The worker cannot catch up to the train and the adrenaline-fueled action begins.
However, the choppy cinematography and undeveloped backstories detract from the film.
Everything that isn’t part of the train sequence is weak and lacking in effort. One poor backstory is the untold conflict in Frank’s marriage. Connie (Rosario Dawson) is stuck in the middle, mediating between the corporate side and operational side of the railroad. Her character’s intensity and tone of voice are great over the phone, but awkward face-to-face.
Pine and Washington’s acting dynamic also leaves a lot to be desired. The tension between the two characters seems fake throughout the film and is only really held together through the direness of the situation.
Although the film’s main characters were not strongly portrayed, the intensity and rush the film gives the audience is true and exhilarating. If you enjoy watching speed movies or thrillers, “Unstoppable” is an entertaining action film that lets you escape.
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
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Friday’s release provides ‘Unstoppable’ thrills
Daily Emerald
November 14, 2010
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