Entering her final season with the Oregon women’s soccer team, senior forward Jen Stoltenberg took a few minutes after practice to chat with the Oregon Daily Emerald about life outside of soccer.
Oregon Daily Emerald: Heading into senior year, how’s the mind-set different?
Jen Stoltenberg: Yeah, definitely different. I feel like I’m just trying to enjoy every single moment. I mean, win or lose, this is my last year, and I’ve got to enjoy everything about it.
ODE: How about in the classroom? Have you decided on a major?
JS: Yeah, business major with a concentration in sports marketing. So yeah, just finishing up that. (I’m) pretty excited actually to start school, kind of to take my mind off soccer a little bit and whatnot.
ODE: You’re going to graduate this year, then?
JS: Yeah, I’ll graduate at the end of spring for sure.
ODE: What are your plans after that?
JS: I don’t know. I might want to continue playing, whether that be overseas or wherever I can actually play. Also, you know, an internship with Nike would always be ideal. But kind of just taking it day by day and seeing what opportunities I have and going with. If I could continue playing, that’d be the top thing for sure.
ODE: If you could pick a sport at the University of Oregon other than soccer, what would you like to play
the most?
JS: I think volleyball would be fun. You know, like I always say, like to jump that high and like crawl on the ground like the liberos do, that’d be sick, right? I can get some kills or whatever you call ‘em. It’d be fun for sure.
ODE: Besides soccer, what do you like to do with your limited free time?
JS: I know, right. Um, I like to do anything really. Shoot, what do we do in Eugene? Go to the movies, you know, keep it PG-rated obviously, all the time. I like to go to concerts. Concerts are always fun.
ODE: What’s the last concert you went to?
JS: Kid Cudi. It was solid.
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Athlete of the Week: Jen Stoltenberg
Daily Emerald
September 18, 2010
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