Kelsey Nava-Costales
How/why do you want to change the world?
I grew up abroad – mostly Southeast Asia. I have seen the extreme poverty that so many communities live in and it really opened my eyes at a young age. Furthermore, it made me aware of the extreme privileges we have here in the US and at the same time the things we take for granted and have yet to figure out. Being back in the US, especially now during this tumultuous political climate, I am reminded of the ways that the US needs to grow. Some of the communities that voted for our current administration are the ones who will be most affected by it and that breaks my heart. I am continuously kvetching to my partner about the insane salaries of celebrities and professional athletes because I can’t help but think about the fact that there are people who don’t have access to clean water, food or safe housing. We have it so backwards and that is the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night. It would be amazing to be a part of an NGO or political action team that can make real change. I want to be on the front lines, grassroots organizing and interacting with those in need.
What are some of your goals after college?
Well, I am currently working on a project with Planned Parenthood of Southwestern Oregon. I am collecting data within the Latino population in Lane County and am trying to answer questions regarding their sexual health, overall wellness and access to health care. I am hoping to create culturally competent curriculum. I plan to finish that and present to the board in October.
Who’s your biggest role model/influencer?
My mama, Amy Costales. She is the Lorelai to my Rory and my Grandma Jeanne Costales who is definitely Emily Gilmore. They are both such incredible, strong, smart women and I am lucky have had them as my biggest cheerleaders! Outside of my family I would say Elizabeth Warren; she is one awesome lady!
Which fictional character is most like yourself?
I grew up looking up to Princess Leia from Star Wars, and Eowyn from Lord of The Rings. My mom always taught me to not be afraid to get dirty, speak my mind and that I was just as good and worthy as any male counterpart. These women were not afraid to stand up to sexism and fight for the things they loved.