Ethan Shafer
How/Why do you want to change the world?
I want to teach the world that change is OK. It will have bumps in the road just as everything does, but we can support each other through it.
What are you proud to have been involved with at University of Oregon?
What I am most proud to have been involved with at the University of Oregon is the EMU Board. The EMU Board not only provided me a safe and supportive space to grow leaps and bounds as a leader, but it also gave me the opportunity to learn how to invest in the growth of my fellow student leaders. The work that that we do as a board, we see flourish throughout our places, programs and people. This is what really rejuvenates the leader in me.
Who is your biggest role model and why?
My mom would have to be my biggest role model. She really supported me throughout my entire life before college with being the President of the Parent & Teacher Organization at my schools, to being involved with a local nonprofit who focused on developing our local community. She is the one who really pushed for me to be involved in everything that I could, and she is the one who helped me jump the hurdles when they came. My mom put so much time and energy into all of these things while also being a foster mom to over 60 kids in 8 years. I only strive to have as much energy as my mom does in order to effect change.
What are your goals after college?
I am looking to attend graduate school for Public Administration and then work in program development and analysis.
Which fictional character is most like yourself?
BuzzFeed says that I am Hermione/Bell. ‚“You’re very, very independent and prefer to spend your time reading books or watching movies. Because of this, you’ve actually developed an incredible imagination and people really admire that about you! You have a few REALLY CLOSE friends, or maybe even just one best friend, and you know they’d have your back in any situation.‚“
What is one fun fact about you?
I met actor Colton Haynes while he was playing bingo at the Cascade Bingo Hall where I worked!