Haozhe Li
Major: International Studies: Cross-Cultural Communication and Education
Year: Senior
How do you want to change the world?
I don’t think I can change the whole world, but I want to at least have people around me to feel happy and supported. As my undergraduate career here at the UO has enriched and empowered me, I personally believe in education and more specifically international education. I plan to pursue a master’s degree and eventually a Ph.D. in higher education and then make changes and empower more through education.
What are you proud to have been involved with at the University of Oregon?
The Career Center, ISCA (International Student Career Alliance), ICSP (International Cultural Service Program – Scholarship), IBA (International Business Association student club) and Lundquist College of Business Career Services.
Who is your biggest role model and why?
My father who works hard to bring the family from our tiny village to Baoshan city, and then now the capital of Yunnan, Kunming city. He also supports me to chase my study abroad dream here at the UO and later to England. He works for the people in Yunnan so hard to have more citizens have better lives. Every day he is impacting me positively and supporting me to where I want to go. He is, definitely, my biggest role model.
Which fictional character is most like yourself?
This question is too hard, and I don’t think I could answer 🙂
What are your goals after college?
I will be going to Cambridge, England to pursuit my MPhil in Education degree. I will try my best to meet the requirement at Cambridge and continue my Ph.D. there. After achieving academic goals, my dream/plan is to return back to Yunnan, China. My current thoughts are both teaching, to make changes in and through Higher Education and also running a social enterprise which will hopefully support more and more people with ideas and dreams!
What is one fun fact about you?
I speak 3 types of Chinese dialects: Baoshan dialect, Kunming dialect, and Standard (Mandarin).