Sierra Pedro
Mat Wilson
Major: Anthropology
Year: Junior
How do you want to change the world?
I want to change the world one person at a time, by helping people know they matter and that someone cares about them. I once heard that there is no world, there are just 7.5 billion understandings of it. So, to change how one person sees their potential and worth, to help them feel how much they are cared about, and empower them to create change in their own lives, I think that’s world changing.
What are you proud to have been involved with at the University of Oregon?

IntroDUCKtion, hands down! Being an SOSer was extremely rewarding, I loved being able to engage with new students and talk with them about everything from classes and life in the res halls, to consent and how we, as Ducks, can come together to support and respect each other. Also, I’m very introverted and the entire experience was almost completely outside my comfort zone, it was a summer of challenging myself in new ways.
Who is your biggest role model and why?
I can’t pick just one! My family members Teddy Gerrish, Elijah Stucki, and Arian Borycki are some of my biggest role models. Around campus I look up to Justice Martinez, Amy Schenk, Caylnne Thomas, Wynter Baca, Sammi Wong, Alex Shadle, Liz Arnold, and Hunter Dotson. They each, in their own way, show hard work and dedication, a kindness and caring for others, and are examples of how I want to live my life.
Which fictional character is most like yourself?
I identify a lot with Will Hunting, from the movie Good Will Hunting.
What are your goals after college?
Grad school! I’m currently researching different PhD programs and preparing to take the GRE.
What is one fun fact about you?
I’m transgender. A lot of people know that about me and a lot don’t. It’s a fun fact because for a long time I was ashamed of being transgender, and I’m now at a place where I can accept and love myself for who I am.