Marisol Cervantes
Major: Planning, Public Policy and Management
Year: Senior
How do you want to change the world?
I want to be able to be part of the process of providing the necessary resources to underserved communities to be able to live a healthy and sustainable life. Coming from a socio-economically disadvantaged community I’ve witnessed the basic living needs disadvantaged communities are (deprived of) not provided. I want to be able to help rebuild/build communities where a sustainable life is possible for all people. Being part of the change process is the beginning of making this world a beautiful place for everyone to enjoy!
What are you proud to have been involved with at the University of Oregon?
I am proud to have been involved with the PPPM Student Community Organization all my four years at the UO. I met so many inspiring and highly motivated people that have influenced me to continue working hard on the issues that matter the most to me.
Who is your biggest role model and why?
I could never answer this question as one person because I have to large influences in my life, my mother and my older sister. My mother’s drive of working hard taught me that hard work and dedication will take you so many places, she always tells me “that your own education and knowledge is such a powerful tool nobody can take away from you, use it!” My sister was the first in my family to attend a four-year college and while working full time and studying she empowered me at such a young age to give it my all and purse a higher education.
Which fictional character is most like yourself?
Winnie the Pooh because we both LOVE sweets, enjoy building strong friendships with others, while also being strong and dependable people to family and friends.
What are your goals after college?
After I graduate I plan to work for a couple years in the public sector hopefully somewhere in Oregon if not back home in California. Following that I want to pursue my Masters in City Planning.
What is one fun fact about you?
While studying abroad two summers ago in Thailand I had the opportunity to visit a local non-profit elephant sanctuary where I fed and bathed a momma elephant that was saved from cruel torture and exploitation.