Alex Pear
Major: Political Science
Year: Senior
How do you want to change the world?
I want to work on creating more efficient and sustainable cities specifically in areas where populations are challenged by lack of resources. I want to work on policies that effectively improve economic circumstances and develop opportunities for entire communities.
What are you proud to have been involved with at the University of Oregon?

I am most proud to be a part of ASUO through the ASUO Senate and EMU Board. Becoming a part of the allocation process of student funds towards vital campus programming has been very rewarding.
Who is your biggest role model and why?
Steve Aoki is my biggest role model. Steve is an innovator and always striving to create a better experience himself and for his audiences. The level of passion he has for music and performing is what I aim to have in whatever I end up doing.
Which fictional character is most like yourself?
I always identified with Pleakley from Lilo and Stitch.
What are your goals after college?
To travel to all 50 states by the end of 2019. (Currently at 29/50).
What is one fun fact about you?
My favorite food is Clam Chowder.