Alexandra Lau
Major: Community and Regional Planning and Architecture
Year: Master’s Student
How do you want to change the world?
I want to merge new building technology with indigenous Native Hawaiian land stewardship to promote healthier and more equitable development in my hometown, Honolulu.
What are you proud to have been involved with at the University of Oregon?
I am proud to be involved with the Peer Exchange, a student support group for students from underrepresented minorities.
Who is your biggest role model and why?
Roxanne Gay, writer and professor, is an incredible inspiration to me. Her complex writings deal with issues related to race, ethnicity, sexuality, body image, and so much more. Her voice allows other women and minorities to feel that they too have a voice.
Which fictional character is most like yourself?
I’ve always felt a connection with Francie Nolan, the main character in Betty Smith’s “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.”
What are your goals after college?
My first goal is to find out how to get my cat, Potato, to Southern California without her hating me forever! On a more serious note, my five-year goal is to become a licensed architect.
What is one fun fact about you?
My first job, at the age of 15, was as a pasta cook and baker for a small Italian restaurant in Honolulu.