Rima Pandit
Major: Human Physiology
Year: Freshman
How do you want to change the world?
Passionate to utilize acquired knowledge toward helping people in their times of medical needs, I am pursuing studies at University of Oregon to practice as a General Physician. I have set a goal to join hands with dedicated services of ‘Doctors Without Borders’ to counsel, educate and remedy by bringing awareness with preventative care, especially to underprivileged women. I believe proactive efforts to increase awareness with compassionate, reasonable and holistic approaches will strengthen communities, so that everyone will grow stronger.
What are you proud to have been involved with at the University of Oregon?

Our University offers a plethora of opportunities with excellent learning for every student to grow their fullest potential. My enthusiasm in Chemistry and Mathematics grew in team efforts with Dr. Cathy Wong for research in spectroscopic analysis of promising organic materials with photophysical properties beneficial to mankind. Likewise, as a Career Center Student Advisory Board Member under auspices of Ms. Chelsey Augustyniak helps build horizons even for other fellow students, with a potential to offer know-how to other Oregon Universities.
Who is your biggest role model and why?
Emblematic nobility personified by Mother Teresa inspires me for her tireless efforts with selfless services to underprivileged society. Her care for shunned and dying people has been outstanding, and a powerful reminder in bringing forth the advances in science, health care for basic facilities to remedy and offer compassion. Beating adversities, she has set an ideal to follow. Her tireless efforts call for newer generations like mine as invitation to become conscious of our natural duties to care for others.
Which fictional character is most like yourself?
I am overwhelmed by the depiction of Walt Disney’s character of Merida, the Princess, in their animation movie ‘Brave’. She is the perfect characterization of a crusader who stands for truth, virtues, and for the diverse peoples of her father’s kingdom. She establishes herself in her efforts in the path of truth and justice, and tirelessly refrains from atrocities arising of any underpinnings of medieval chauvinistic societal norms. She represents boldness, skillful talents, and leadership that is second to none.
What are your goals after college?
I have set my roadmap to immerse myself with the breadth of knowledge in medicine, to devote for a noble cause with in-depth reasoning, isolating root-causes, and deploying medicinal treatments. I believe newer vistas of information will help me position myself as a General Physician to bring forth holistic healing. I intend to carry forth my acquired experiences for national services by joining hands with US Army, Red Cross and World Health Organization, similar to services of ‘Doctors Without Borders’.
What is one fun fact about you?
Inspired by works of Dr. Deepak Chopra, I practice guidelines of ancient sciences of Yoga and Meditation. I have made progress by practicing what I intend to preach and am eager to spread the benefits to others. My joy in physical fitness gathering inner energies stem off such yogic practices. Thus, my fun extends in finding practical approaches to help guide newer generations, such that dietary notions, healthy lifestyles, and consciousness for living one with Nature are put to practice.