The Emerald was named a finalist in the Associated Collegiate Press’ design category for 2018, an organization composed of college media publications across the country. The design category is classified as an “individual award,” which ACP says is meant to honor “the best individuals in collegiate journalism.”
Art Director Emily Harris and Design Editor Kelly Kondo designed the cover for the story of The Resilient Cheerleader, in which the Emerald profiled University of Oregon cheerleader Sarah DeBois’ battle with Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Over the summer of 2017, the Emerald’s print product went from a twice a week publication to a once a week paper, and Harris and Kondo took the Emerald through a full-print redesign that changed the layout of the newspaper. The duo added a sidebar to the newspaper that allows readers to see previews of other stories in print and made sure that each section was in the same place each week.
The Emerald has won other awards from ACP in the past few years, with the most recent time being in 2016 for best college newspaper.
Emerald named as finalist in Associated Collegiate Press’ design category
Michael Tobin
October 1, 2018
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