Understandably, the news of Osama bin Laden’s death shook the United States. I didn’t know how to react to the news, and I thought President Obama’s address to the world was appropriate. He focused on remembering those who lost loved ones on September 11, rather than rejoicing over the fact that someone was dead.
This morning, as I opened the Oregon Daily Emerald, I found a column entitled, “Top 10 Things To Do To Celebrate Osama bin Laden’s Death.” I find it extremely disrespectful and even obscene for the Emerald to allow a column like this to be published in our campus newspaper. Osama bin Laden was the leader of a group that performed an awful task on the day of September 11, 2001. He did a horrible thing and I cannot fathom being directly affected by this tragedy. However, celebrating Osama bin Laden’s death does nothing in the way of mending the hearts broken on that day.
Being an American is something I appreciate, but not always something I am proud of. Today, I am not proud of the way the University of Oregon community and campus newspaper are handling this event. I am ashamed to attend a school that allows for such a column to be published in our newspaper. Suggesting to take tequila shots on Cinco de Mayo to celebrate his death is culturally insensitive, and waiting around to see what “South Park” makes of this only turns this serious situation into a joke, when it is absolutely not comedic. Death is never something to celebrate.
Sara Marcotte
University student
Letter: Death of Osama Bin Laden not a laughing matter
Daily Emerald
May 4, 2011
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